Monthly Archives: January 2013

Why Do Libs Believe In Global Warming?

Simple. It fits in perfectly with their core psychosis of self-hate, and allows them to externalize it as hatred against others.

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What Would A Sane President Say?

A sane president would say. Our survival depends on cheap, abundant energy. We are blessed to have the world’s largest reserves of fossil fuels. Our spending and borrowing is unsustainable. We have to cut it off – now. Unifying our country … Continue reading

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Insanity Is ….

Insanity is allowing Obama to do the same thing over and over again, while expecting different results …. Evergreen Solar ($25 million)* SpectraWatt ($500,000)* Solyndra ($535 million)* Beacon Power ($43 million)* Nevada Geothermal ($98.5 million) SunPower ($1.2 billion) First Solar ($1.46 billion) Babcock and Brown ($178 million) EnerDel’s … Continue reading

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Obama Cares About The Kids

Obama cares so much about our kid’s future, that he is going to block Keystone, raise energy prices, increase the debt, maintain dependence on middle east oil, and make the kiddies feel guilty about living in a civilized society. Not to mention … Continue reading

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Bette Midler Hoping That Obama Ends Bad Weather

Twitter / BetteMidler: Highlight of the Inaugural … Over the last four years, the only thing Obama has demonstrated he can do is read a teleprompter, hang out on the golf course, and put our children further in debt. What are these … Continue reading

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Barbara Boxer : Global Warming Defined By One Tropical Storm

Temperatures aren’t rising, nor are hurricanes and tornadoes increasing – so the other brain-damaged senator from California has determined that global warming boils down to Tropical Storm Sandy. Sen. Barbara Boxer said she had a one word answer for why President … Continue reading

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Obama Fixes The Climate

Last year, DC didn’t have much snow – because of global warming or climate change or perhaps climate disruption caused by evil Americans. During Obama’s first week in the palace after his second coronation, he has fixed the climate in … Continue reading

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Record “Thing Of The Past” In Pennsylvania

Erie, Pa., officially picked up 16.3 inches of snow at the airport Monday alone, making it the snowiest January calendar day on record, and the snowiest day in any month for Erie since Nov. 29, 1979! Snowfall records there began in 1893.” … Continue reading

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“President Should Declare Global Warming Victory and Go Home”

Imposing still more “global warming” restrictions on the U.S. economy makes about as much sense as losing your car keys in Boston but insisting on searching for them in Los Angeles. True, global carbon dioxide emissions have risen more than … Continue reading

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Weird Weather In Colorado

It is nineteen degrees warmer in downtown Denver than it is here in Fort Collins. I have no idea why.

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