Monthly Archives: January 2013

Obama Keeps Talking About Lincoln

Obama is the anti-Lincoln. Everything is about himself – whereas Lincoln was about the country. The only similarity is that Lincoln presided over a Civil War. Listen up Barack. No one could care less about you. I’m sorry that your father … Continue reading

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Democrats Plan To Confiscate Guns – Ask Republicans Not To Talk About It

[youtube=] The whole point of registration is to enable confiscation. h/t to Jeremy Poynton

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Top Climate Scientist : Melting Arctic Causing -34 Temperatures In New Mexico

Twitter / TucsonPeck: + #SWClimate – big question: … The principle is simple. Warm, toasty air in the Arctic is melting the ice. Then the warm Arctic air plunges south and cools sixty or seventy degrees as it mixes with … Continue reading

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Antarctica : The Bipolar Continent

According to NASA’s top experts, Antarctica is both cooling and heating at the same time! Hansen invented the technique of turning cooling trends into warming trends – by simply altering the data. His zero-veracity approach has been adopted by the … Continue reading

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Hansen’s Mispredictions : Not Found Not to worry Jim! I’ve got you covered.

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Texan Makes Good In London

Tottenham 1-1 Manchester United | Premier League match report | Football | The Guardian Clint Dempsey kicks Sir Alex Ferguson’s ass in injury time. Note the “thing of the past” falling from the sky.

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Psychotic Journal News Employee Releases Gun Database

This goes out to the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, the National Rifle Association, Christopher Fountain (you shameless scumbag), and everyone else who has threatened the Journal News and Gawker reporters and employees. NY Pistol Permit Owners – … Continue reading

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No Rifle Found At Sandy Hook? – NBC Admits No Assault Rifle Used At Sandy Hook There were four handguns in the school, and no rifle. Perhaps Lanza hid the rifle after he shot himself in the head. The Cuomo/Feinstein/Obama rifle grab is apparently based … Continue reading

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The Changing Face Of Snow

In 1888, with low CO2 levels, snow was caused by cold air. There simply wasn’t enough moisture in the atmosphere to produce heavy snowfalls. Man-made CO2 has changed everything, and an overheated atmosphere now produces very heavy snowfalls. This is basic physics, which … Continue reading

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New Al Qaeda Weapon Unveiled

Courageous Pennsylvania School Officials Nab 5-Year Old Terrorist Talking with a friend about a pink toy bubble gun got a five-year-old kindergarten girl in the Mount Carmel Area School District labeled as a terrorist threat Courageous Pennsylvania School Officials Nab … Continue reading

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