Monthly Archives: January 2013

100th Anniversary Of The Hottest Temperature Ever Recorded

The hottest legitimate temperature ever recorded of 134F, occurred in 1913 at Death Valley, California – when CO2 was well below 350 ppm.

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Urgent Message From Senator Rand Paul

Dear fellow Patriot, My jaw hit the floor. After reading Senator Dianne Feinstein’s new so-called “Assault Weapons” Ban, I can only describe this radical scheme as the effective END of the Second Amendment in America. The gun-grabbers are going for broke, … Continue reading

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62% Of Americans Are Against More Anti-Gun Laws

We are being bombarded with propaganda that the NRA is an evil organization which is blocking efforts to make America safe. The reason that the NRA is powerful is because they are supported by most of America. Violent crime rates in the … Continue reading

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Shock News – Obama And Biden Are Liars

“The NRA sat in on a White House meeting that was sold to the public as an ‘open discussion’ about how to improve school safety.” LaPierre wrote. “But that was a dirty lie. They didn’t listen to gun owners’ concerns…they didn’t consider any … Continue reading

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NOAA Proves That Climate Models Are Wrong

December 2012 the area of snow cover in the northern hemisphere was at its highest for 130 years at almost 3 million square kilometres, or over 200,000 km above the previous record in 1985, according to the United States National … Continue reading

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Greens Promoted School Massacre To Stop Global Warming


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Hansen Proves That Man-Made CO2 Has Nothing To Do With Climate

Hansen just released this graph Compare that to his 1988 forecast The image below overlays Hansen’s current temperature graph on his 1988 forecast, normalized to the 1960s and 1970s. Note that temperatures are running well below Scenario C. Scenario … Continue reading

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Using Kids For Propaganda – A Time Honored Tradition

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Rick Perry Calls Out Obama’s Disgusting Behavior

the piling on by the political left, and their cohorts in the media, to use the massacre of little children to advance a pre-existing political agenda that would not have saved those children, disgusts me, personally. The second amendment to … Continue reading

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Obama’s Goal For America

h/t to Erick Wodarz

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