Monthly Archives: January 2013

Thirteen Years Later, Lefties Finally Figure Out That Al Gore Has Been Lying To Them

I will avoid making any disparaging remarks about turnips. How do they feel about Gore the savior of green energy now? The displeasure with Gore among the staff was thick enough to cut with a scimitar. “We all know now … Continue reading

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Wyoming Crime Rates Among The Lowest In The Country

Wyoming has 60% gun ownership, and their crime rate is among the lowest in the US. Gun Ownership, by State – Guns, by State – Gun Owners Percentage by State The murder rate in Wyoming from 2000-2010 was 1.9 per … Continue reading

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Alex Jones Slams British Traitor Piers Morgan


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NASA : Antarctica Is Cooling And Heating At The Same Time

Antarctica is cooling SVS Animation 3188 – Antarctic Heating and Cooling Trends Antarctica is warming Disintegration: Antarctic Warming Claims Another Ice Shelf : Feature Articles Antarctica is getting super hot NASA – Satellites Confirm Half-Century of West Antarctic Warming Hansen … Continue reading

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What Is The Government Hiding?

A bearded, disheveled James Holmes, the man accused of going on the deadly rampage, didn’t appear to show any emotion as Grizzle and the other officers testified Monday in a packed courtroom A district judge forbade attorneys and investigators from … Continue reading

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Fort Collins Schools Implement Sandy Hook Security Plan

The Poudre School District has just put in place the same security procedures which were present at Sandy Hook on the day of the massacre. A single point of entry to the school (many of which were recently retrofitted through … Continue reading

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UN Wants To Dictate American Gun Rights

Obama wants us to get permission from the EU before we eat, adjust our thermostat or drive an SUV. The UN wants to ban guns globally, to prevent machete massacres like the one in Rwanda which the UN oversaw and … Continue reading

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Editorial : Start A National Registry Of Hammer Owners

According to FBI statistics, Americans are more likely to be murdered by a hammer than by a rifle. FBI — Expanded Homicide Data Table 11 The government needs to pass laws banning all future hammer sales. Existing hammers can be … Continue reading

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She Would Have Been 22 Years Old Now

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Coloradans Terrified Of The Federal Government

The prospect of tighter gun laws has gun sales soaring and the Colorado Bureau of Investigation remains flooded with requests for background checks on buyers. On a normal day a background check would take about 15 minutes, but the CBI … Continue reading

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