the piling on by the political left, and their cohorts in the media, to use the massacre of little children to advance a pre-existing political agenda that would not have saved those children, disgusts me, personally. The second amendment to the Constitution is a basic right of free people and cannot be nor will it be abridged by the executive power of this or any other president
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( – Despite testimony from a man whose brother was killed by an illegal alien who was driving drunk and had five previous DWI arrests, Democrats spoke out against legislation that would allow arresting officers to check legal status and transfer confirmed aliens into federal custody.”
An estimated 12 Americans are killed everyday by illegal aliens. In my town, we had two families completely wiped out by an illegals, one who had been arrested 14X. It got a little attention when an executive of Gibson Guitar was killed by an drunk illegal. The point being when its a democrat interest or constituents, deaths aren’t as important. They have nothing to gain by controlling illegals and they lose potential voters. This is the sickening, disgusting games politicians play.
Besides DUI, illegals have committed an unspeakable number of child abuse acts, but it’s too much trouble to check for illegal status and deport these scum before they do their evil. So spare me the rhetoric about saving the children.
2nd amendment is not a basic right of free people at all. Rick , more like Dick ….
Free people all over the world seem to be able to be free without it
Andy: “2nd amendment is not a basic right of free people at all. Rick , more like Dick …”
No, it is a basic right if the people want to stay free. Andy, more like Mandy…
“Free people all over the world seem to be able to be free without it”
Let’s see….China, North Korea, Russia, just about every African shit-hole….
They don’t have the right to be armed – and they don’t even “seem” to be free.
“seem to be free”……but that is exactly the case – we only seem to be free – until all our rights are finally taken away and we can do bugger-all about it.
I wonder about you Andy – there are still people alive today who took part in the murder of millions by the various socialist governments in the 20th century – are you actually stupid enough to think that the nature of humans has changed? Every bad thing that happened last century can happen again – all of it – and worse this time with the more advanced technology.
You are a tool.
TonyO of Aust, you completely miss the point.
The point is that to be free you do not need the 2nd amendment. Democratic and free countries like the USA around the world do not have this law and yet manage ok, so obviously the law is not a requirement to be free.
I assume you don’t ever vote because the government is obviously dangerous and will turn on the people and take away your rights. Do you ? Do you vote for a body that you distrust?
Defending yourself against the government is a really poor reason for wanting to own a gun.
Andy : “Defending yourself against the government is a really poor reason for wanting to own a gun.”
That would have to be the best reason for owning a gun – just ask all those citizens of Germany, Poland, Russia, China, North Korea, Cambodia……Sorry, you can’t, can you – their governments had them all shot/murdered – well over 100 million last century.
“I assume you don’t ever vote because the government is obviously dangerous and will turn on the people and take away your rights. Do you ? ”
You have to vote in Australia because you get a fine or go to jail if you don’t. And the (minority) government here – a mob of socialist ratbags like your lot – are in the process of taking away our freedoms and rights. Their new “Anti-discrimination” Bill makes it unlawful to insult anyone – politically as well as all the other ways. They are also in the process of controlling the media – including blogs.
In a perfect world, guns would not be necessary – but we don’t live in a perfect world, just a world full of vicious totalitarians who are quite ready and willing to kill whomsoever they choose to get power. I would imagine you have heard the eco-fascists calling for the execution of “climate deniers”? It’s only a rifle shot away. Then, of course, you can add all the scumbags/thugs who, in all likelihood, will not surrender their weapons to the police.
As I said, defending oneself against the government is the best reason for owning a gun – the nature of humanity hasn’t changed since the dark days of the 20th century.
Freedom to speak, freedom to defend one’s self. These are both basic, fundamental rights. It’s true that many countries have attacked both in different ways, and that their citizens still typically enjoy a pretty good life.
And if being free today is enough for you, then “seem to be free” is probably enough. A lot of people seem to be interested in freedom, but they always say we have to justify why the government shouldn’t do certain things to us instead of justifying whether we should let the government do those things.
Were you born an idiot, or did it happen later?
Sorta depends on one’s definition of free. If some lib scumbag can fix it so you don’t have the means of self defense even if you never actually never need to use a weapon in self defense one’s freedoms have been limited.
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Also, I like it when Rick Perry says
” Laws, the only redoubt of secularism, will not suffice. Let us all return to our places of worship and pray for help. Above all, let us pray for our children.”
Well that will do a lot of good won’t it. Pray for help? To the same God who let it happen in the first place. Seems God is deaf or does not care. This coming from a person who uses laws to govern. Crazy.
Andy: “Also, I like it when Rick Perry says”
Ah well, it’s good to see you like something Rick Perry says….
@Andy: “To the same God who let it happen in the first place”
We have free will. God didn’t let it happen, we did.
Andy, you are a coward a if you do not respond to the direct comment made to you by TonyO of Aust. Why did you try to redirect the subject to Perry and religion? The history of the world well supports Tony. Beyond that do you think real economuc collapse is impossible? I consider it likely at this point. If this occurs the last thing I want is an unarmed populous going up against armed street gangs. Reality has a way of biting liberal mentality regularly.
President Wormtongue is the best argument now going for having a 2nd ammendment. The guy is veering out of control. And I don’t trust the country club Republicans to do much about it. He needs to know that there are people willing – and able – to stand up to his growing tyranny.