Romney’s Income Taxes Vs. Climate Change

During the presidential campaign, hope and change Obama told us that the most important issue facing America was Mitt Romney’s income taxes. Obama’s Senate Majority Leader expanded on this, telling us that Romney didn’t pay any income tax.

That has all changed now, and the new most important issue to stop climate change. Obama believes that new US EPA regulations can stop China and India from building 1,000 new coal fire power plants, and save the planet from non-existent global warming.

Unlike Bill Clinton, Obama does inhale.

ScreenHunter_411 Jan. 21 17.04

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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One Response to Romney’s Income Taxes Vs. Climate Change

  1. Eric Simpson says:

    I like what Gator said about Obama: “The only reason we survived the first term is because he is inept, and an idiot.” So true, with endless idiotic gaffs like “you didn’t built that.” But this hints at another point: the reason O got reelected is that Romney is even even bigger idiot, despite his Harvard MBA and JD.
    I could talk until hell freezes over about how Romney ran one of the most stupendously stupid campaigns I’ve ever seen. But let me just highlight a single example… and it just happens to relate to climate change. It was the end of his not well-received nomination acceptance speech. You know, where Romney says (paraphrasing) “Obama wants to save the world and turn back the rise of the sea.” Then Romney paused, a long pause, and you know what, the audience was silent. Because the Republican audience knew full well that Romney had an essentially pro-warmist but ambiguous position on agw, and the audience didn’t know how they were supposed to react. After several painful seconds passed, people realized that this was meant to be a joke, and people started laughing. Then Romney continued, with his signature smirk, saying (paraphrase): “Obama wants to turn back the seas, I want to help you with your pocket book.” End of speech. That was it??? He didn’t have the guts to say that O was wrong on climate change, but just that he wasn’t going to be concerned about it. How crass. Lowly, inane. Romney had just broadcasted that he would abandon noble principles and loftier goals for personal greed. If Romney had made it clear that agw was bull, that would have been fine. But the way it came off I know that a lot of independents went away from the end of that speech thinking “you know what, I’m not that selfish; the bigger ‘save the world’ goals are still important… I’m voting for big ears.”

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