Shock News : Biden Is A Liar

Vice-President Joe Biden, who plagiarized his way through college, is also a liar.

Vice President Joseph R. Biden’s claim that he heard the gunshots of a 2006 school massacre while playing golf is raising questions about his veracity or his memory.

Mr. Biden told a meeting of mayors in Washington Thursday that he was about a quarter-mile away from an Amish schoolhouse on Oct. 2, 2006, when a gunman shot and killed five students and wounded five others.

“I happened to be literally — probably, it turned out, to be a quarter of a mile [away] at an outing when I heard gunshots in the woods,” Mr. Biden recounted. “We didn’t know … we thought they were hunters.”

But a search of maps of the area in Lancaster County, Pa., shows the nearest golf course to the site of the shooting, Moccasin Run Golf Club, is about five miles away. Rodney King, the golf pro at Moccasin Run, said Friday he was working at the course on the day of the shooting and never saw Mr. Biden, who was then a U.S. senator.

“There’s a lot of things here that I find hard to believe,” Mr. King said. “I looked in my database, and he [Mr. Biden] is not in my database.”

Even if Mr. Biden had played at the course that day, Mr. King said, “It’s very far-fetched that he would have heard it.”

“I know he didn’t hear those gunshots,” Mr. King said. “They were inside the school. Even if they were outside, he wouldn’t have heard them.”

Biden’s claim of brush with gun massacre questioned – Washington Times

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to Shock News : Biden Is A Liar

  1. NikFromNYC says:

    NYC presents: sanity!

    Mayoral candidate policy: actively disarm ghetto scumbags, let sluts and fags do what they want.

  2. Andy DC says:

    Biden has an unusually keen sense of hearing. He can hear a fart discharge 100 miles away.

  3. Keitho says:

    A bit like Hilary being shot at , these people seem to lie by reflex. They are lying liars who lie by default. “They lie when they don’t even have to just to keep their hand in”.

  4. Bob Honiker says:

    It is part of the job description.

  5. DP says:

    Seriously, Rodney King? I’d have to change my name.

  6. miked1947 says:

    P.A. where men are men and sheep are skittish!
    Biden wears button fly jeans because sheep can hear a zipper from half a mile away!

  7. gator69 says:

    “Biden, Joe(b. Nov. 20, 1942), 47th vice president of the United States. Born in Scranton, Pennsylvania, Biden spent his formative years in Wilmington, Delaware, where, at the age of 12, he walked in on the mother of a school friend while she was changing and then asked if she really wanted him to leave. Biden graduated high school in 1961, but for three years afterward periodically hung out in the parking lot of his alma mater in his 1957 Ford Del Rio station wagon (the back of which he had converted into a cot and mini bar) in order to, in his words, “check out the fresh crop of sweet peaches.”

    “WASHINGTON—Taking advantage of the warm spring weather Monday, Vice President Joe Biden parked his 1981 Trans Am in the White House driveway, removed his undershirt, and spent a leisurely afternoon washing the muscle car and drinking beer. “This baby just needs a little scrub down,” said Biden, addressing a tour group as he tucked the sweat-covered top into the belt loop of his cutoff jean shorts. “Gotta get her looking good so I can impress the chicks when I’m cruising down Pennsylvania [Avenue].”,2718/

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