The Arab Spring Continues

At least 22 people have been killed in the Egyptian city of Port Said amid violent protests that followed a court’s sentencing of 21 people to death on charges related to clashes between rival football fans last year.

Those killed on Saturday morning included two policemen shot dead at a prison in the north-eastern city where demonstrators had gathered to protest against the death sentences of the 21 men held inside. There are reports that more than 200 people have been injured.

Egyptian protests over football sentences turn deadly | World news |

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to The Arab Spring Continues

  1. Andy DC says:

    Never fear, our brilliant new Secretary of State, John Kerry will successfully negotiate (appease) a solution. He will make Neville Chamberlain look Machiavellian by comparison.

  2. geologyjim says:

    All good now.

  3. Mikegeo says:

    I believe Obama was a key supporter of Arab Spring and undermined Mubarak to help it along. Then he was a key player in helping the over throw of Gaddafi – which resulted in tens of thousands of weapons going missing, the growth of Terrorism there and the eventual attack on the US embassy and the killings – which he and Hilary and Rice worked to cover up. And with the assistance of Candy Crawley’s incorrect interference in the Presidential debate, was used to assist Obama’s re-election. This President is the most domestically and internationally incompetent and evil leader the US has ever seen. He’s an unfunny version of “Dr Evil” .

  4. gator69 says:

    They just need stricter gun controls. That and Obamacare.

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