They Predicted It

The US had much worse and longer lasting droughts in the 1930s and 1950s, and the trend has been towards less drought.

But rumour is that the climate models predicted that all kinds of really bad stuff was going to happen, so that proves that the current drought is due to climate change*.

* No one has any idea what climate change means, but we do know that higher taxes and Obama worship are essential to prevent it.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to They Predicted It

  1. John S says:

    climate change, that means the weather changes right? Clearly it takes government trained experts to tell us that.

  2. gator69 says:

    From the Illinois State Climatologist website…

    “Yesterday NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center released their outlooks for February… for February through April, temperatures have an equal chance of being above, below, or near average.”

    Their new models are now 100% accurate.

    • Sundance says:

      My response below was meant for you.

    • Andy DC says:

      How much of our tax money goes to the Climate Prediction Center? If you want to eliminate waste, fraud and abuse, that is as good a place as any to start.

      • gator69 says:

        It is a disgusting incestual commune. Obarry changed the old Soldiers and Sailors Relief Act, designed to give financial protection and peace of mind to our military while deployed, to the Servicemember’s Civil Relief Act which now covers NOAA employees. Useful idiots get rewarded.

  3. Sundance says:

    You have to wonder if Jim shakes his head when he sees NOAA stuff like that. Hopefully he has his own methods of figuring out what he can tell farmers to expect.

    • gator69 says:

      Jim seems like a good egg. I was mildly amused when he referred to the NOAA non-forecast as a “neutral forecast.” He certainly is not alarmist as far as I have seen, but I am new to his site.

  4. Must be about time we called it Climate Scientology. We got the cult, we got the ruthless control of information, we got the gonzo ideology, we got the unaccountable management regime via WWF and we got the relentless pursuit of funding.

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