This Is What Global Warming Looks Like

ScreenHunter_374 Jan. 03 07.33

HAMweather Climate Center – Record Events for The Past Week – Continental US View

The US is of course only 2% of the Earth’s surface, but last winter it determined the world’s climate.

Bloomberg tells us that global warming has destroyed New York. They also report that China is freezing.

A cold front brought temperatures of minus 40 degrees Celsius (minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit) to northern China, as officials urged cities to conserve heating and two tourists died after they were stranded on a mountain, the China Daily newspaper reported. The cold may continue with the temperature in Beijing plunging to minus 11 degrees Celsius today, the China Meteorological Administration said on its website.

Rebar Declines as Cold Weather Cuts China’s Construction Demand – Bloomberg

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to This Is What Global Warming Looks Like

  1. Andy DC says:

    Never fear, when Hansen it thru adjusting and extrapolating, 2012 will be the warmest year EVER and 12/12 will be the warmest December EVER!

  2. johnmcguire says:

    Hey Steven , it’s not fair to use the climate wackjobs own words against them . That 2% of the planet statement isn’t allowed when it is not in the favor of the cagw crowd .

  3. Oh, come now, you know that snow and record lows prove hotcoldwetdry!

  4. u.k.(us) says:

    Short memories:
    Chicago was buried under 20.2 inches of snow from the storm.

    Hundreds of cars were stranded on Lake Shore Drive Wednesday, Feb. 2, 2011, in Chicago. A winter blizzard of historic proportions wobbled an otherwise snow-tough Chicago, stranding hundreds of drivers for up to 12 hours overnight on the city’s showcase lakeshore thoroughfare and giving many city schoolchildren their first ever snow day. A year later, temperatures are in the mid-50s and flirting with record highs for this date. (AP Photo/Kiichiro Sato)
    Fun video from D.C. (I guess) in 2010.

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