Since the Sandy Hook massacre, more than three thousand Americans have died in brutal, horrific car accidents – and tens of thousands more have been injured.
I haven’t heard about anyone being killed by a rifle since then, but I am sure there are a few.
Obama, Bloomberg and Cuomo aren’t actually interested in saving lives. They are interested in establishing totalitarian control with themselves in charge. But they know they can’t do it without taking your guns away first. They are hoping that you are stupid enough to fall for their ploy.
They are hoping that you are stupid enough to fall for their ploy.
Unfortunately they do not have to hope…most people are that stupid.
I expect images such as those are counter productive because they will make people tune out of your blog.
Will – maybe, but a lot of young people think that they will live hard, die young and leave a good looking corpse.
If they saw what is left in the wreckage, they may not be so eager to die young….
Anyway, you know the greens/eco-fascists will try to ban private ownership of cars sooner or later.
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I’ve been a firefighter for 10 years, in a place where nearly every household is armed, and never been on a call involving firearms.
I have however, seen plenty of the above kind of carnage.
At least you didn’t post a truly gruesome pic like Pachauri.
Um, could you please warn me in future? I did not expect that image and it shocked me. I’m not squeamish but I know what I need to see and what I don’t need to see and this I didn’t need to see.
People are always trying to make cars more safe, what’s wrong with that? The total would have been a lot more if the car industry and government had not improved matters over the years. Same should happen to the firearms industry.
If a psychotic person wants to kill people, they will do it. Modern firearms are as safe as they can be.
Yup. A pretty gruesome picture. It’s common to see pictures like this on the front page of Thai newspapers. Doesn’t seem to make them drive any better though. Quite often the victims are drug addled 15 year olds who have crashed their motor bikes.
Guns are illegal in Thailand but gun crime is increasing rapidly. Any one who wants a gun can get one, including, for example, many drug addled 15 year olds. (Yes – drugs are illegal too…)
Too graphic. What has been seen cannot be unseen.