Too Cold For Ice Skating In Minnesota

Warm air from the rapidly melting Arctic is freezing Minnesota solid.

ScreenHunter_07 Jan. 22 07.37

Roseville OVAL Closed Due to Cold Weather | KSTP TV – Minneapolis and St. Paul

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Too Cold For Ice Skating In Minnesota

  1. zip adee says:

    I would rather have all the ice melt than to have all the water freeze. Fortunately, as it has done since the dawn of time, our climate will remain within a liveable range, naturally, regardless of man’s arrogance in thinking he can control it.

  2. Ken Gregory says:

    All the hemispheric and global temperature data from the CRU has gone missing.
    It has been replaced with a page showing how wonderful Phil Jones is.

    • Ray says:

      That link appears to show data files now, although they don’t yet show the big fall in December, in line with GISS and NCDC.

      • Ken Gregory says:

        Very strange. I clicked again on the link above, clicked on the HadCrut3 GL link to a .txt file, and got the CRU home page. I tried it on my wife’s computer and got a revised Temperature page, with links to .dat files. Not .txt files. Back on my computer I forced a reload by holding down the Shift key, and I got the revised Temperature page, instead of from cache. The computer times must be screwed up. If the Temperature page has a newer time, it is supposed to load from the CRU server, not from my cache.

    • Ray says:

      Is the page about Phil Jones still there – I would like to see it?
      If you want the most recent UKMO/CRU data, it is best to use the Hadley Centre website.

  3. edcaryl says:

    You can’t skate when the temperature gets below about 10F. The necessary water film under the blades will not form.

    • chris y says:

      Um, that is not true. I played youth hockey on outdoor rinks for years. Games were canceled when outdoor temperatures fell below -25 C, but not because you couldn’t skate. It was because you couldn’t avoid frostbite on your toes. The ice surface was not much different in temperature, as the ground underneath the ice was frozen solid for several feet down. We did manage to shatter a few hockey pucks on goalposts when playing at those temperatures.

  4. Chewer says:

    We allow our kids to wait for the bus until -50 F, at which point the CRSD cancels school.
    At that point the kids go snow machining, ice skating and skiing…

  5. Andy DC says:

    Are Minnesotans becoming wusses like the rest of us? I never knew a little cold ever bothered a Minnesotan. Maybe it is due to climate change.

  6. tckev says:

    That is what happens when man-made glowball worming causes things to cool down.
    I hope they are not using fossil fuels to heat the place.

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