Feinstein wants to round up our rifles and ammo, because they make tyranny impossible as long as they are in our hands.
Disrupting the Borg is expensive and time consuming!
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And her Cult members really have a sense of belonging!
There’s no documentation that Yamamoto wrote or said that. Most historians believe he never did. You gain nothing by such a misattribution.
And I’m sure that “here we go again” on the tone troll accusations because:
1. I loathe Feinstein and live in her state.
2. I own semiauto pistols, revolvers, small bore and large bore rifles, and a shotgun.
3. I vehemently oppose gun control.
97% of scientists believe that global warming will kill us all. The quote is completely coherent and understandable. Find something else to whine about.
Point of order. Factcheck.org is not most historians, and the guy they use as their source is a political rat who took a dead guy’s hobby project, reworked it into an apology/whitewash for the Roosevelt adm, shifting all guilt over to the official Washington approved fall guys , Admiral Kimmel and General Short, topped off with a healthy dollop of hero worship for the Japanese.
Certain sure he either edited out quotes from Yamamoto that were politically inconvenient, or actively avoided discovering them in the first place.
Coherent, understandable, and misattributed.
So predictable…
Right. Prove that he didn’t say it. Find something else to complain about. Why are you trying to distract from the message? What is your agenda?
Prove you didn’t say “I’m a crypto-warmist, I host this blog to make deniers look like raving lunatics.”
No agenda, “just having fun.”
You clearly have an agenda, and I suspect that you are completely FOS. I see this kind of BS all the time.
And in your estimation my agenda would be what exactly? Maybe Yamamoto said “there’s a paranoid conspiracist behind every blade of grass.”
You are complete idiot if you think that a dispute about a historical quote is a “lunatic conspiracy.” Your behavior and thought process is that of a typical leftie. You are constantly off-topic and off on wildly irrational tangents.
You obviously have an agenda, and must be a complete moron to think that it isn’t transparent.
Back then you would be wrong because Pearl Harbour happened.
My topic is that, to support your position (with which I agree) you have made a citation for which there is no evidence. When called on it, rather than concede that the quote was misattributed, you’re reduced to name calling and paranoid ramblings about my agenda.
Some people think he said it. Other people think someone else said it. Either way it is just as valid.
Smart people don’t pick fights over stupid stuff like this.
I was refering to pa32r of course with Me comment.
Game, set, match to Steve!
My letter to Dianne Feinstein, and yes I sent it, for what good it might do.
I will not support your ban on assault style rifles for one important reason.
According to FBI records hammers and clubs cause TWICE as many deaths as assault rifles.
This proposed ban is nothing more than political grandstanding to make people think Democrats are trying to save lives.
If you need an example of how well any gun ban works simply look at Chicago.
How many deaths are caused by guns in a city that bans guns?
Criminals are not afraid of laws. That’s why they’re criminals.
This is all the attribution I need… from “The Life of George Washington”
“Campbell soon arrived within rifle distance of the crest of the mountain, whence a sheeted fire of musketry was opened upon him. He instantly deployed his men, posted them behind trees, and returned the fire with deadly effect”