Rogue Cabinet Officer Has More Than 1.6 Billion Rounds Of Ammunition And 7,000 Assault Rifles In Her House

Janet Napolitano has ignored a letter written by New Jersey Congressman Leonard Lance calling for the Department of Homeland Security chief to attend a congressional briefing and provide an explanation as to why the DHS has committed to purchasing more than 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition over the last year.

» Big Sis Ignores Congressman’s Demand For Briefing on Bullet Buys Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind!

Meanwhile, the press is afraid that a dead kid is going to come get them.

Newtown shooter Lanza had more than 1,700 rounds of ammunition in his house

Newtown shooter Lanza had more than 1,700 rounds of ammunition in his house – The Washington Post

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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35 Responses to Rogue Cabinet Officer Has More Than 1.6 Billion Rounds Of Ammunition And 7,000 Assault Rifles In Her House

  1. Justa Joe says:

    The press can turn the Valerie Plame business where nothing happened to anyone into a big deal, and get a guy sentenced to do time in prison. The press can also make Fast & Furious where people have been killed disappear.

    Big Sis probably isn’t sweating it.

    • T.O.O. says:

      Justa Joe,
      Are you saying that the outing of a CIA agent — and, consequently, her Iragi network — during a time of war is no big deal?

      • gator69 says:

        The serial liar is back! (You should change your name again Laz)

        Robert Novak called the public relations officer at the CIA to confirm what Armitage had told him, that Plame worked for the CIA, and was told that indeed she was CIA material. The public relations officer at the CIA released to the press the name and employment status of Plame. She was no Bond. This was political theater.

        Don’t you have an obessive website to run? 😆

      • gator69 says:

        Yes Laz the Liar, I was there for the Kangaroo Court. That does not change the fact that the public relations officer at the CIA confirmed what Armitage had told Novak, that Plame worked for the CIA. This made it public information.


        Now go obsess over Steven on your own site.

      • T.O.O. says:

        Immaterial who or when Novak called for confirmation (BTW Novak’s account is hotly denied by the CIA spokesman), the fact that Novak learned of it at all was a breach of security. The result was that a Counterproliferations Officer and covert CIA agent, as well as her middle eastern network, was outed during a war we went into over the very thing she was an expert in, is unconscionable and, in my opinion, treasonable.

      • gator69 says:

        You seem to believe that anyone here cares what you think. We know you are a liar, so your words carry no weight.

        I’m glad you believe everything you read that confirms your bias.

        Novak simply reported what he was told by the CIA.

        Plame’s husband was a partisan liar, (like you) he and other operatives saw a chance to embarrass the Bush administration. Period.

        I had no idea you were such a huge supporter of the Iraq war. Good for you! 😆

      • T.O.O. says:

        Novak is NOT the issue. The issue is that an effort was made by high up members of the Bush administration to out and/or discredit an American covert intelligence officer during a time of war. Apparently you are fine with that.

        BTW, I have not ever run a blog site as I have said before.

      • The issue is that there is a cabinet level militia with enough bullets to shoot every American multiple times.

        This department was created to stop people with box cutters.

      • gator69 says:

        Yes, as you lied before. You were busted! And just like Gleick, Hansen, Gore and the rest you lie and claim you did not lie.

        Whatever Laz.

        Glad you are such a warhawk! 😆

      • T.O.O. says:

        I don’t see the connection between box cutters and the outing of a CIA counterproliferation network.

      • Perhaps you missed the title of the blog post you are commenting on

        “Rogue Cabinet Officer Has More Than 1.6 Billion Rounds Of Ammunition And 7,000 Assault Rifles In Her House”

    • T.O.O. says:

      Perhaps you missed the comment from Justa Joe that began this thread/topic.

      • So I take it that you are happy that the president can establish tyranny with a single executive order, and no checks and balances?

      • T.O.O. says:

        I have no comment, I am only responding to the comment by Justa Joe (and then by Gator69) that the outing of an intelligence agent in a time of war was a trifling matter.

      • Blade says:

        Perhaps you missed the comment from Justa Joe that began this thread/topic.

        Justa Joe is exactly right and Gator69 has tried to correct this village idiot multiple times but he keeps parroting the leftist fantasy, like a 9/11 truther, that the Plume broad was some sort of agent and that Bush and Libby outed her and damaged the Iraqi intelligence network! As an insane person, he is the target demographic for Michael Moore and Al Gore, he is a classic leftard.

        What is ironic is that an innocent person went to jail for nothing, an actual political crime, while the actual people that leaked the unimportant information let it happen. This entire event is okay in the eyes of the enemy within because they feel it helps their side. Amazing! The only thing good about the case is that Armitage and Powell were exposed as the cowards they are. If they had any honor at all they would go home and commit harikari. But they have no honor and can never regain any credibility in my eyes.

        We must never let that case be forgotten. It really makes it crystal clear that the neo-Communist (D)emocratic-Socialist party will engage in pure political crimes, including prison for the enemy, repeating the tactics of the old Communists.

        This young retard T.O.O. has no memory of this actual history, he is a no-information voter, thus he will allow it to happen again. It is truly inevitable that war is coming, well, that is unless we surrender of course.

      • T.O.O. says:

        Are you saying that Plame was not a covert CIA Counterproliferation Officer with an active network in the middle east at the time of the Novak article? Because, if so, this court document submitted by the CIA conclusively disproves that: Exhibit A –

        Or are you saying that it is right and fine to expose American intelligence agents and their networks during wartime?

      • Blade says:

        Are you saying that Plame was not a covert CIA …

        You really are a dumbass. And since that is something you hear all the time, perhaps you should ponder why.

        Firstly, you skipped over everything I said and want to discuss something I didn’t say. Plame was a covert agent ( actually just a NOC ) but YEARS BEFORE the incident we are talking about. In the Iraq War era, she was a desk jockey here stateside, one of countless bureaucrats. So you are wrong from the gitgo, and all your misconceptions stem from this.

        Secondly, the guy that was politically targeted and sent to prison in a manner directly reminiscent of Communist tradition didn’t leak the name or status of this non-agent. The persons who did, not Libby or Bush or Cheney or Novak, are not being addressed by you. Why is that? Do your realize you are cheeleading for trumped-up political crimes? Will you continue to do so when you are on the receiving end?

        Thirdly, the broad’s identity was compromised by one person, her ridiculously stupid husband, one of the biggest frauds ever seen in Washington circles, and that is really saying something. The fact that hubby Joe Wilson publicly published her name long before the incident should be all the proof necessary that she was NOT an overseas NOC, let alone an actual deep cover field agent. If she had been, hubby would have been nailed by security officers himself.

        What we have here are two wannabe players acting out a hollywood scripted fantasy. And suckers like you bought it hook, line and sinker. Their excuse is petty ego, inferiority complexes and congenital lying, but what’s yours? How is it that you missed every single fact in such an obvious case and willfully get diverted into truther territory?

        Help a brother out. Who attached on 9/11? Was it an inside job? Were the Jews involved? Were explosives planted in WTC? Were Bush and Cheney or others aware of the plot? These are serious questions for you because I have found that there is much overlap between the idiotic truthers and those that swallow other leftist propaganda like the Plame affair.

      • T.O.O. says:

        “Firstly, you skipped over everything I said and want to discuss something I didn’t say. Plame was a covert agent ( actually just a NOC ) but YEARS BEFORE the incident we are talking about. In the Iraq War era, she was a desk jockey here stateside, one of countless bureaucrats. So you are wrong from the gitgo, and all your misconceptions stem from this.”

        You are completely wrong as proved by the legal court document provided by the CIA, itself, which describes Plame’s employment details during the time in question. A document I have now twice posted.

        The fact that Novak disagrees with a spokesman in the CIA or that another person went to jail are side issues to my one and only point that I have repeatedly made. Which is this: A covert American intelligence officer, and her middle east network of informants, was wilfully exposed in a time of war. This is a point which cannot, in good faith, be denied or or forgiven.

      • Blade says:

        You are completely wrong as proved by the legal court document provided by the CIA, itself, which describes Plame’s employment details during the time in question.

        You are full of crap. That PDF reads exactly like an affidavit, probably supplied to that idiot Fitzgerald for use in that kangaroo court to salvage something ( “perjury” ) from a nothing case. You didn’t read it carefully. They are telling you that her history prior to 2002 will not be acknowledged, meaning when she actually had a cover and something to lose.

        Plame was a desk jockey at Langley in the Iraq War period. She was part of the “non-proliferation” bureaucracy, a division that is all about funding and doing as little as possible to keep that funding. Her “7 trips”, possibly under NOC, were most likely meetings abroad with the international “non-proliferation” bureaucracy, who are even worse than ours. It probably amounted to dinner and dancing with Hans Blix. She was not a spymaster, had no “network” like you keep saying, she was an “officer”, which means employee.

        And in case you forget, the whole point of the story that lead to her “outing” was getting at the truth of her likely misuse of her position by allegedly sending her bozo of a husband on a fact finding mission abroad ( Yellowcake, Niger, and other stuff ). If this had been properly investigated they would have been indicted.

        A covert American intelligence officer, and her middle east network of informants, was wilfully exposed in a time of war. This is a point which cannot, in good faith, be denied or or forgiven.

        Apart from the wrong stuff in there, WHO DID THIS? I would like a direct answer with no distractions. Who blew her cover? More importantly, why aren’t you blogging about the innocent person that spent time in prison? The person that did NOT blow her cover? Do you even vaguely understand the ramifications of what occurred here?

        (earlier comment) Or are you saying that it is right and fine to expose American intelligence agents and their networks during wartime?

        Who are you talking about? No-one here at Steve’s site would be saying anything like this (except maybe leftist swine like Ill Wind Blowing ), so who the hell are you talking about? Sorry to burst your bubble but the traitors lie on your side of the aisle. Lowlife like Manning and Assange come out of your camp buddy. People like Ellsberg and all the rest wouldn’t be caught dead hanging with normal people. Maybe if you got your head out of your ass and stopped reading Huffington or Daily KAOS or Democratic-Socialist Underground you would know this.

        Now if you are so worked up over this non-case, you must be praying for the firing squad for Manning and Assange, correct?

      • T.O.O. says:

        I showed you the link to the court document listed as Exhibit A, There are many more sources that confirm this information. How can you pretend to know so much about the Plame affair and not know that it was the CIA, themselves, who asked the DOJ to open up a criminal investigation into the matter? Why do you think they did that? Think carefully before you answer.

        it is an undeniable truth that Valerie Plame/Wilson was a counter-proliferation expert in the employ of the CIA when Novak’s article appeared. Novak got the information from a person or persons at the White House (as did other journalists). Arguing these facts is akin to arguing that it isn’t night outside because a street light is on.

      • Blade says:

        Child, enough ducking. Answer my questions now please. There are a lot of them just above your last post.

        … waiting …

      • T.O.O. says:

        I was only interested in Justa Joe’s response to my one question — do you think it was “no big deal’ to expose a covert intelligence agent and her network in a time of war? That you and Gator69 would doubt the truth of this event was a surprise, so I responded with incontrovertible evidence

        I have now shown that Plame was indeed working in a classified position when her cover was blown and if you choose to ignore this reality, there is not much I can do about it. And, although I am sure you think they are important, your rambling meanderings into other areas do not interest me.

      • Blade says:

        … still waiting …

  2. redc1c4 says:


    a whole 1700 rounds?

    i’m impressed.

  3. gator69 says:

    Do you think Janet is an NRA member? Should we demand a background check?

  4. Shouldn’t that be “Adam Lanza’s mother had over 1,700 rounds of ammunition”, before he shot her and walked out of the house with her guns and ammunition (not his)?

  5. gator69 says:

    Media circus and Kangaroo Court…

    “As it happens, the media organizations informed the court that long before the Novak revelation (which, as noted above, did not disclose Plame’s classified relationship with the CIA), Plame’s cover was blown not once but twice. The media based this contention on reporting by the indefatigable Bill Gertz — an old-school, “let’s find out what really happened” kind of journalist. Gertz’s relevant article, published a year ago in the Washington Times, can be found here.

    The hypocrisy, though, only starts there. It turns out that the media believe Plame was outed long before either Novak or Corn took pen to paper. And not by an ambiguous confirmation from Rove or a nod-and-a-wink from Ambassador Hubby. No, the media think Plame was previously compromised by a disclosure from the intelligence community itself — although it may be questionable whether there was anything of her covert status left to salvage at that point, for reasons that will become clear momentarily.

    This CIA disclosure, moreover, is said to have been made not to Americans at large but to Fidel Castro’s anti-American regime in Cuba, whose palpable incentive would have been to “compromise[] every operation, every relationship, every network with which [Plame] had been associated in her entire career” — to borrow from the diatribe in which Wilson risibly compared his wife’s straits to the national security catastrophes wrought by Aldrich Ames and Kim Philby.”

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