1995 IPCC Report Showed That Hurricanes Are Getting Weaker



About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to 1995 IPCC Report Showed That Hurricanes Are Getting Weaker

  1. Andy DC says:

    Also less frequent, like no major hurricane US landfalls going on 9 years!

  2. Organic Fool says:

    Nov 18: Breaking: Astonishing new element in climate fraud uncovered?

    “Has a critical new element in the climate fraud been uncovered? Independent British researcher, Derek Alker, attending the UK lecture tour of Australian climatologist, Dr Murry Salby, stumbles on an apparent critical flaw in climate models. Alker finds the models are dependent only on carbon dioxide (CO2) to change temperature. Incredibly, the models seem to be pre-programmed so that no other atmospheric variable is allowed to alter climate. Read Alker’s full analysis below:”


    • Not likely. Look up “climate attribution”, which details, according to the climate models, what portion of the claimed temperature rise is due to measured variations in “greenhouse gases”. solar, volcanic emissions, ozone, aerosol sulfates, etc.. It’s all baloney, in the final analysis, but they couldn’t do that if the models didn’t take account–however incorrectly–of the effect of each of those variables. I have an image downloaded from the internet (I didn’t preserve the link–I downloaded it back in December 2009) showing time series for each of those variables, indicating how they “add up” to the “measured” global temperature record (over the time period 1900 to 1990, in this image).

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