48% Of Americans Think That Obama Is Doing An Awesome Job


Obama Approval Index History – Rasmussen Reports™

Obama got a big bump in the polls when he shut down the government and wrecked investor confidence, in a successful effort to make sure that the Obamacare launch was not delayed.



About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to 48% Of Americans Think That Obama Is Doing An Awesome Job

  1. Jorge says:

    Rasmussen has been on a pro-Democrat rampage for the past few months. I guess he wants to prove he “isn’t a Republican pollster.” If you look at every poll he does, regardless of what he polls. In fact, this poll shows him three points lower than the last Rassmussen poll.

    NBC has a poll with Obama at 42% from early this week. The new normal for Obama is 42% to 44%.

    Rassmussen is consistently higher for Democrats than everyone else. Just look it up. His is always the most pro-Democrats of all the polls these past three months or so.

    As for the shutdown, I don’t know why you ever thought that would hurt Obama. Steve, it’s time for you and others like you to concede it was a stupid thing for Republicans to do. It was a mistake and you should admit it was a mistake. Obama was getting hit BEFORE the shutdown on Obamacare and is being hit hard now. The shutdown was just a distraction from the issue and gave Obama what he wanted, the opportunity to blame problems on others. The only people who think Obama was responsible for the shutdown are Tea Party Republicans who would never support him anyway.

    • Complete bullshit. Republicans will beat Dems senseless over their protect Obamacare shutdown in the next election cycle.

      And don’t try to tell me what to do on my blog. That really pisses me off.

      • Jorge says:

        Do whatever you want Steve, but Obamacare is unpopular because it’s a stupid law. The people were against the shutdown because they didn’t support holding government hostage, not because they supported Obamacare. Thus, basically, it was a giant distraction. That’s why it helped Obama and hurt us. I agree we will win on Obamacare, but that would be true if we didn’t have the shutdown.

        • Ben says:


          Good did come from the shutdown. More presidential character was revealed that would not have been if the government did not shutdown.

          1. Obama was willing to lock veterans out of open-air monuments
          2. Obama was willing to force private companies to shut down just because they were on federal land.
          3. Obama was willing to let immigration rallies proceed (friends), but block other rallies on the mall (truckers/veterans/enemies).

          I know him better now than I did before the shutdown.

    • David A says:

      Your last sentence, divorcing Obama of responsibility for the shutdown, is false. Obama was prepared to default on the debt, yet another impeachable offense. There were four shutdowns during Clinton, and more during Regan’s term. The simple fact of the matter is Obama does his best to demonize his opponents, and the MSM helps him. The republicans simply wanted to delay this nightmare healthcare disaster, and begin to deal with annual trillion dollar debts. And now most of the US wants the healthcare plan delayed, if not gone. (I actually think the pain of this program, destroyed healthcare and economic destruction, is the pain the US people need to wake up.)

    • Ernest Bush says:

      Rasmussen was the only pollster trying to tell Republicans weeks before the last election that his real-world poll numbers were not meeting their expectations being expressed on the air, particularly at Fox News. I remember commentators poo-pooing him when in fact he had the real numbers, not our fantasies. It was a bitter lesson for me, anyway. Three million conservative Republicans stayed home because they were not voting for another closet progressive. Six million evangelical Christians stupidly voted for Obama. Another landslide.

      I would suggest that the strongly approve/disapprove ratio is the one that should be exploited here in trying to regain the Senate.

      • Jorge says:

        Rasmussen was one of the pollsters who agreed with GALLUP. It was Gallup which showed that Romney was ahead, and Republicans chose to believe it. Rasmussen basically agreed with Gallup. Look at polling averages now (go to Real Clear Politics and see for yourself) and since the last election, Rasmussen has been consistently the most pro-Dem. On every issue, in every race. There has obviously been some sort of corporate decision to be “less Republican” which has made them the most pro-Democratic pollster. It was possibly due to that bad prediction.

        Almost every other poll has Obama at 42% to 44%, including Monday’s NBC poll which was 42%.

  2. Sunsettommy says:

    It really amazes me that this late in the game he STILL has about 48% of the people on his side even with all the abundant evidence that he is a lousy President.

  3. Jason Calley says:

    I had workmate, an Obama supporter, volunteer her ideas about Obamacare today. “See, you know how when the company you work for gets insurance for everyone who works there, they get a lower rate than if you got insurance for yourself? I think that is what Obama is doing. He is going to get us all in one big policy so that we won’t have to pay as much! That’s why the insurance companies hate Obamacare so much!”

    That is it, that is the level of thought and understanding of the crowd that supports this fiasco. To her, this was cogent analysis, but she really did not even have a working idea of what she was attempting to opine about. Clueless.

  4. R. de Haan says:

    The Government is looking for pictures of happy Obamacare enrollees.

    They must be really desperate.

  5. Andy DC says:

    I think in the 2014 elections, the Republicans will make solid gains. Some of it is the simple fact that the party out of power usually gains seats during the last 2 years of a 2 term Presidency Some of it will also be dissatisfaction with Obamacare and the general direction of the country.

    As far as 2016, the Republicans face the usual probllem, if they nominate a moderate, which they ususally do, the base will be disenchanted. If by some fluke they nominate a Tea Party type, he will be so demonized in the media that independents will be turned off. So getting the right guy nominated who can beat Hillary will still be a daunting task. Along with the usual huge majorities among gays, blacks, Hispanics, etc. Hillary is going to get a lot of women voting for her because they will want to see the first female President.

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