A Century Later, Obama Tells The Government To Plan For Climate Change

It has been over 100 years since Arrhenius promised us  9ºC warming, Siberia becoming the greatest farming country in the world, cotton farming in Iowa, Antarctica becoming like British Columbia …. fig trees in Chicago …

And now Obama tells us that we must prepare for global warming, which is going to show up any minute now.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to A Century Later, Obama Tells The Government To Plan For Climate Change

  1. thojak says:

    The only thing I’d like to ‘show-up-any-minute-now’ is the impeachment of mr Nobama. Period!

  2. Pathway says:

    Man, Boulder Native sure laid them out flat in the reply section unlike the article which had no relevant facts only quotes from the Little Dic.

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