Curious That So Many People In Obama’s Past Mistook The Words “Hawaii” And “Kenya”


Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii’


Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate




Nigerian Observer Online Edition

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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30 Responses to Curious That So Many People In Obama’s Past Mistook The Words “Hawaii” And “Kenya”

  1. Andy Oz says:

    Kenya is a small village on Oahu.

  2. gator69 says:

    Hard to keep track of all 57 states.

  3. daveburton says:

    IMO, whether Obama was born in Kenya or Hawaii does not affect his eligibility to run for President. Here’s why.

    A “natural born citizen” is someone who is a citizen at birth, by virtue of the circumstances of his birth.

    Anyone born of two U.S. citizen parents is a natural born citizen, regardless of where he was born. Also, anyone born within the U.S., under U.S. jurisdiction (i.e., not within a foreign embassy or similar), is a U.S. citizen, even if his parents are not citizens, and even if his mother is in the USA illegally. (That should probably be changed, IMO.)

    McCain’s eligibility for the Presidency is clear, since both of his parents were U.S. citizens. (He was born on a U.S. base while his father was serving in the Navy in Panama.)

    Ted Cruz’s eligibility for the Presidency is also clear, too, even though he was born outside the USA, since both of his parents were U.S. citizens.

    If Obama was born in Hawaii, then his eligibility is clear, too. But, since Obama’s father was not a U.S. citizen, if Obama was born overseas then his citizenship depends on quite obscure U.S. laws.

    As it happens, under U.S. law at the time Obama was born (1961), if his parents were legally married, then his mother’s citizenship, alone, would not have given Obama the right to U.S. citizenship, if he was born outside the USA.

    In 1961 a baby born abroad of one citizen parent and one non-citizen parent got U.S. citizenship only if the citizen parent had resided in the USA for 5 years since age 14. (The law was later changed, I think in 1986.) Since Obama’s mother was only 18 years old, she could not have resided in the USA for 5 years since age 14. So there are only two ways that Obama could be a citizen:

    1. if he was born in the USA (as appears to be the case, despite what he apparently told his literary agent), or

    2. if his parents were unmarried.

    However, it is now pretty well documented that Obama’s father was a bigamist, who was already married to another woman when he married Obama’s mother. That means that, under U.S. law, Obama’s parents were not legally married, and Obama is a bastard.

    Under U.S. law, the bastard child of an unmarried woman who is a U.S. citizen is a natural born citizen, regardless of the citizenship of his father, or where he was born.

    So I think it is pretty clear that Obama is a natural-born citizen of the USA, regardless of where he was born.

    • Obama’s propensity for lying affects his ability to be president.

    • gator69 says:

      Hey Dave! It is all academics until it happens to you.

      About three years ago I needed a new passport and contacted the Department of State after being informed my citizenship was in question. A little background first. I was born to two married US citizens in France, my father was an Air Force officer (seventh generation Floridian) and my mother’s family has been here for over three hundred years. Dad was on active duty and stationed at Deols AFB, and he and my mother had been married for over eight years at the time of my birth. I had provided the Feds with original BC’s (have three), an FS-545 “Certification of Birth” issued by the Department of State, expired passports and my original FS-240 “REPORT OF BIRTH ABROAD OF A CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA”, issued by the American Embassy in Paris. I also provided documentation regarding my renunciation of any French citizenship that was required when I signed up for Selective Service on my eighteenth birthday. None of this was acceptable.

      I was told the only way to prove my citizenship was to provide the Department of State my original embossed copy of an AA-311301 “CERTIFICATE OF CITIZENSHIP” that was issued by the Department of Justice. Thankfully my parents had read an article about the “Immigration and Nationalization Act” section 301(a) effective Dec 24th 1952, which applies to Obama as well as me, and then made the trip to the DOJ office in Atlanta to obtain my AA-311301.

      According to the Deoartment of State, and the Department of Justice, without an original AA-301311 Obama is not able to prove US citizenship. I only wanted to go to Mexico.

  4. smrstrauss says:

    Actually, Obama really WAS born in Hawaii, as his birth certificate from Hawaii (and the public Index Data file and the birth notices sent to the Hawaii newspapers by the DOH of Hawaii and the teacher who wrote home to her father, names Stanley, after hearing of the birth in Hawaii of a child to a woman named Stanley) ALL show.

    (And birther sites have not even shown that Obama’s mother had a passport in 1961—-or explained to their readers how very very few 18-year-olds had passports—or, for that matter, explained to their readers how extremely few women traveled late in pregnancy in 1961 because of the risk of stillbirths). So Obama really was born in Hawaii.

    And, since he was born in Hawaii, his place of birth on US soil is sufficient to make him a Natural Born US citizen, since every child born in the USA is a Natural Born US Citizen. The term comes from the common law (not from Vattel, who is not mentioned in the Federalist Papers even once) and refers to the place of birth:

    “Natural born citizen. Persons who are born within the jurisdiction of a national government, i.e. in its territorial limits, or those born of citizens temporarily residing abroad.” — Black’s Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition

    “What is a natural born citizen? Clearly, someone born within the United States or one of its territories is a natural born citizen.” (Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on OCTOBER 5, 2004)–Senator Orrin G. Hatch (R-UT).

    “Under the longstanding English common-law principle of jus soli, persons born within the territory of the sovereign (other than children of enemy aliens or foreign diplomats) are citizens from birth. Thus, those persons born within the United States are “natural born citizens” and eligible to be President. Much less certain, however, is whether children born abroad of United States citizens are “natural born citizens” eligible to serve as President …”—- Edwin Meese, et al, THE HERITAGE GUIDE TO THE CONSTITUTION (2005) [Edwin Meese was Ronald Reagan’s attorney general, and the Heritage Foundation is a well-known Conservative organization.]

    • So why did he lie about it all those years?

      • smrstrauss says:

        He didn’t lie about it. He ALWAYS said that he was born in Hawaii, in Kapiolani Hospital (that is precisely where he said he was born in his book), and that is where his birth certificate and the confirmations of the officials of BOTH parties and the Index Data and the birth notices sent to the Hawaii newspapers by the DOH of Hawaii (and only the DOH could send notices to that section of the papers, and it only did so for births IN Hawaii) and the teacher who wrote home all show that he was born. (And there isn’t even evidence that Obama’s mother had a passport in 1961

  5. Shazaam says:

    I’d really love a peek at Barry’s college records. (sealed tighter than Fort Knox)

    I don’t really care about the grades, I just want to know if he had a free ride as a foreign exchange student as has been rumored. He couldn’t have been a completely hopeless student as he did (apparently) pass the Illinois Bar for his law license. (law license later surrendered under curious circumstances)

    Yet another O-Bomb-Ya scandal lurking I suppose…..

    • smrstrauss says:

      The “foreign exchange student” story came from an APRIL FOOL’S article originally published on April 1, 2009. Obama does not have to publish his grades, and in fact no president every has (and Mitt Romney and John McCain) certainly didn’t. Just because an enemy of someone makes up the claim that he was registered as a foreign student, does not mean that he has to show his grades.

  6. smrstrauss says:

    Re: “Ah… That is why his literary agents Acton/Dystel/Goderich listed him as born in Kenya, from 1991 to April, 2007.”

    The mistake of a literary agent does not make someone born in Kenya. Nor does it even show that the person said that they were born in Kenya. It shows what they said, which was a mistake, and they admitted to it.

    • And Obama and no one he knew noticed for 17 years. Very believable.

      And he didn’t know that Wright was racist, and you can keep your health care.

      • smrstrauss says:

        That’s right. Obama did not notice. What else is new?

      • smrstrauss says:

        Republicans accuse the president and Democrats of being lazy and stupid, and here is a perfectly normal situation—someone other than you made a stupid mistake and put it online and did not tell you about it. And guess what, the Birther theorists think that Obama really did see the mistake and really did not correct it.

        But, guess what, it happens all the time. Someone else makes a mistake and does not tell you about it, and leaves it, and it says in publication for years or decades.

        Obama WROTE IN HIS BOOK “Dreams from My Father” that he was born IN HAWAII. Thus he said that he was born IN HAWAII. There is no evidence that he told the publicist that he was born in Kenya or that he deliberately ignored her mistake. Say that he noticed it one day, and then went off to play golf and forgot about it—is that a sin? Is it criminal? Is not noticing a mistake made by someone else a sin or criminal?

        Obama said that he was born in Hawaii. He WAS born in Hawaii–as his birth certificate and the confirmation of the officials of both parties in Hawaii and the Index Data and the teacher who wrote home and the birth notices sent to the Hawaii newspapers by the DOH in 1961 all show. A mistake made by a publicist and Obama not noticing that mistake: (1) does not change that situation; (2) is not a sin or criminal.

        Obama was born in Hawaii. That makes him a Natural Born Citizen. He was elected and re-elected. We elected and re-elected someone who failed to catch the mistake made by a publicist for many years or whatever. Get used to it.

        • Mainly just a sociopath and liar.

        • gator69 says:

          Definitely a liar, as was once pointed out regarding his pamphlet…

          “The biography does, however, fit a pattern in which Obama–or the people representing and supporting him–manipulate his public persona.

          David Maraniss’s forthcoming biography of Obama has reportedly confirmed, for example, that a girlfriend Obama described in Dreams from My Father was, in fact, an amalgam of several separate individuals….

          Obama has been known frequently to fictionalize aspects of his own life. During his 2008 campaign, for instance, Obama claimed that his dying mother had fought with insurance companies over coverage for her cancer treatments.

          That turned out to be untrue, but Obama has repeated the story–which even the Washington Post called “misleading”–in a campaign video for the 2012 election.”

          It’s the lying, not the place of birth, that makes him unfit.

        • Latitude says:

          Republicans accuse the president and Democrats of being lazy and stupid, and here is a perfectly normal situation…

          What a strawman…..
          it’s liars and crooks

  7. Andy DC says:

    Obama is yesterday’s news. Time to focus on Hillary and 2016.

  8. Gamecock says:

    smrstrauss says:
    November 20, 2013 at 7:40 pm

    He didn’t lie about it. He ALWAYS said that he was born in Hawaii,


    So all the parties that said he was born in Kenya just made it up . . . on their own. And, in 17 years, Obama never noticed, so he never asked them to correct it.

    It’s simply not believable. It says more about you than Obama.

    • Are you the mouse in his pocket?

      Sent from my Virgin Mobile Android-Powered Device

    • smrstrauss says:

      Re: “So all the parties that said he was born in Kenya just made it up ”

      Yes, that is right. They LIED. By far most of them (except for the publicist who made a mistake) were birthers who lied repeatedly. In some cases they created forged “Kenyan birth certificates” (In one famous case, the one with the footprint, it was done by a guy who claimed to have gotten the “Kenyan birth certificate” in Kenya BUT HAS REFUSED TO SHOW ANY PROOF THAT HE HAD EVER GONE TO KENYA. There are also several forged videos in which Obama is alleged to have said “I was born in Kenya”—but you cannot see his mouth move and there is no reaction from the audience.

      And birther sites MADE UP that Obama’s Kenyan grandmother said that he was born in Kenya. She said repeatedly in the taped interview that Obama was born in Hawaii. She said it, but the birther sites simply did not quote her, and in fact cut off the tape recording just before she was asked “where was he born?”

      Want to see the transcript?

      Yes, people who hate other people have been known to LIE about them:

      The “born in Kenya” story is the height of the loony side of the birther movement. It is based on forgeries like that of Lucas D. Smith, and falsifications–such as the claim that Obama’s Kenyan grandmother said that he was born in Kenya—when she actually said right on the same tape that he was born IN HAWAII, and she said in another interview that the first that her family in Kenya had heard of Obama’s birth was in a letter FROM HAWAII.

      Lucas D. Smith, a convicted felon, claimed that he went to Kenya and got Obama’s birth certificate at a hospital in Mombasa. But Lucas D. Smith has constantly refused to show proof that he, Smith, had ever gone to Kenya. All that he would have to do would be to show a Kenya stamp on a page of a passport, but Lucas D. Smith has refused to do that, constantly, and he has also constantly refused to say why he will not show that proof. (Moreover, his “birth certificate” uses US date formats [month/day/year] and not the day/month/year format used in Kenya.)

      Laying aside for a moment the overwhelming proof that Obama was born in Hawaii, the evidence that Obama was NOT born in Kenya is also very strong. There were a grand total of 21 people who came to the USA from Kenya in 1961. Of these only seven were US citizens. And the birther myth has always been that Obama’s parents went there and returned by plane, but only one person came to the USA from Kenya in 1961 by plane and that person was, wait for it, NOT a US citizen. And Obama’s father did not go to Kenya in 1961 either (making it unlikely that his mother did, since travel late in pregnancy was rare, and even more rare without the husband going along). WND has proved with a FOI Act request that Obama senior stayed in Hawaii throughout 1961.

      And the Kenyan government investigated the “born in Kenya” story, and found that it was not true.

      “Jon Chessoni, a first secretary at the Kenyan Embassy in Washington, can’t understand why his office gets so many baseless questions about whether Barack Obama was born in Kenya.

      “It’s madness,” said Chessoni on Monday.“His father, in 1961, would not even have been in Kenya. When this matter first came up, the Kenyan government did its research and confirmed that these are all baseless claims.””

      Obama has a Hawaii birth certificate that says that he was born in Hawaii, in Kapiolani Hospital, and the officials of both parties in Hawaii have confirmed that fact. It is also confirmed by the birth announcement in the Hawaii newspapers in 1961, which were sent to the papers only by the DOH of Hawaii.

      Obama’s birth announcement appeared in a section of the newspapers called Health Bureau Statistics. As the name indicates, and as the papers and the DOH also say, ONLY the DOH of Hawaii could send birth notices to the Health Bureau Statistics section of the paper. And the DOH only sent out those notices for children that it had issued birth certificates for, and in 1961 the DOH was not allowed to register the births of children who were not born in Hawaii.

      Oh, and there is this:

    • smrstrauss says:

      Re: “And, in 17 years, Obama never noticed, so he never asked them to correct it.”

      That’s right. Obama never noticed because he was not told to notice it. That was part of the mistake.

  9. smrstrauss says:

    Re: “Birthers at Acton & Dystel in 1991 trying to bring down the future president. Makes perfect sense. ”

    Precisely. It was a mistake. Perhaps you did not know that Obama’s father, Barack Hussein Obama I, really was born in Kenya. THAT was probably the cause of the mistake, not some alleged plot to bring down a future president.

    And Obama never noticed it because he was not told to notice it. That was part of the mistake.

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