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Global Warming Survey
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I see Dana AND Cook BOTH visited today.
I’m starting to think that item 1 might be the correct answer, because I know about humans in New York, California, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and lots of other places that change the climate seemingly for publicity alone.
EUREKA!!! Maybe a study that asks about the NUMBER of humans that cause climate change? If people see that it is just a few, and we can stop THEM, maybe there wouldn’t be so much money changing hands.
If humans weren’t around none would notice, so I voted 100%
Can’t you include some variety in choices? Something about Aliens would be nice.
Where is the 110% choice?
It’s 97% AND 99%. The former when the catastrophe is proceeding according to the current 5-year-plan, the latter if The Party uncovers saboteurs and deniers in the pay of Big X.
The 100% option is forbidden; it is the dictatorial equivalent to the capitalist $99.99 price tag that looks so much nicer than one that says “$100.00”.
I just voted honestly and I expect that all respondents here should have voted the same.
I don’t remember the climate changing during high school, when all I could think about was sex 96.94% (222 votes)
Ahhh, the real 97% shows up. 🙂