Guardian Reader : Being Taught About The Greenhouse Effect In High School Keeps People From Exaggerating Weather Events

ScreenHunter_147 Nov. 08 18.15

08 November 2013 5:09pm

How do you debate people with fully addled brains?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Guardian Reader : Being Taught About The Greenhouse Effect In High School Keeps People From Exaggerating Weather Events

  1. Brad says:

    Good gravy.

  2. Tom Harley says:

    “How do you debate people with fully addled brains?”
    By inhaling a similar quantity of medication.

  3. Anthony S says:

    “The point”
    [williamch’s head]

  4. “To be charitable, maybe stevengoddard is pointing out that people have been saying that the sky is falling for a long time. I learned about it in secondary school, it was called science fiction”

  5. gator69 says:

    Another science settler found his Goldilocks Zone.

  6. Bob Knows says:

    More than a century ago it was demonstrated that the mythical “greenhouse effect” does not work on greenhouses. There has never been any evidence that it works on planets either. Teaching silly nonsense to school students is another reason that children would be better off and have learned more if th schools were just burned down.

  7. He is not addled. Deluded, but not addled. He is a Leftist with a hate on for critics of the “consensus”, because that is his gang and their dogma, and he only “debates” to spout derogatory comments about the “foe” (that’s you, in this case, Steven). The only way you can win a “debate” with him is if the “debate” is set up as a very hard contact sport (with maybe an octagon around it…you know), where he doesn’t get to judge when or if you score a definitive hit on him, but must suffer the hit as a hard fact, immediately and intimately. Debating on the internet is like using a waterwheel to power your bicycle–in a word, ineffective (in two words: obviously ineffective).

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