Holdren Ice-Free Winter Update

Obama’s top science adviser John Holdren forecast ice-free Arctic winters, and according to NSIDC maps from the last two weeks he was correct. You can think of it as Obama’s climate Tech Surge.


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About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Holdren Ice-Free Winter Update

  1. Edmonton Al says:

    I am just curious. Why is it that the median stops at 2010?

  2. crosspatch says:

    Please stop poking fun at the “Tech Surge”. The nation’s finest morons are being assembled as we speak. In fact, President Obama has selected one of the firms responsible for creating the mess in the first place and ordered them to “clean that mess up”.


    Here in the US we have the finest tech morons that campaign donations can produce. Please take a moment and consider what other country could do so little for $500+ million dollars. This was the most expensive initial website roll out in the history of the Internet. That should say something.

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