New Mexico Buried In Permanent Drought

Three days ago, the geniuses at NOAA warned of a new drought coming to New Mexico.


November 21st, 2013

Drought, and not widespread snowstorms, may be the biggest story this winter according to the official U.S. winter outlook.

The outlook, issued by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) on Thursday, shows that the winter of 2013-14 is likely to feature an expansion and intensification of drought conditions across the Southwest

U.S. Winter Outlook Dominated by Dire Drought News | Climate Central

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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21 Responses to New Mexico Buried In Permanent Drought

  1. Bob Greene says:

    Looks like the dry snow I shoveled when I lived in Michigan, so the drought must still be on.

  2. Jimbo says:

    The drought and heat are expected to worsen today.

    Storm Brings Rain, Snow to Southern California

    Dallas area bracing for sleet and snow starting today

  3. R. Shearer says:

    The cam at Wolf Creek might have been buried by snow as it is not working. The base at mid-mountain is 63.”

  4. Shazaam says:

    If it weren’t for the fact that NOAA spends funds taken from taxpayers, their “predictions” would be comedy gold.

    Since the NOAA tax-parasites can’t predict their way out of a wet paper bag, it’s sad how they cater to their “gotta have a carbon tax” masters. They did include some appropriate weasel words. The “may” and “likely” don’t alter their prediction much.

    Ah well, rather than get pissed at the spectacular waste of taxes that is NOAA, I do enjoy laughing at them.

  5. margaret berger says:

    gore-effect on steroids.

  6. dp says:

    The drought is so severe it would appear the highway to the base area is closed as nobody is there and the lifts are idle. Thank God for models that give us early warnings of these disasters. /sarc

  7. Andy Oz says:

    Shock News: ENSO MISSING. NOAA has lost ENSO and can’t forecast anything without him. Child protection services are interviewing the people inside NOAA who lost the child.
    “As was the case last winter, the lack of an El Niño or La Niña event in the tropical Pacific Ocean has introduced more uncertainty into the forecast” -Climate Central

    • R. de Haan says:

      Weatherbell does a fine job.
      Weatherbell is a private organization and another proof that the private sector works more efficient and delivers a better job than Government.
      Joseph D’Aleo and Joe Bastardi are probably the best meteorologists in the USA today.

  8. margaret berger says:

    break out the milk cartons and find him!

  9. Mike D says:

    They basically acknowledge they just made it up:

    “In the absence of a clear signal from the tropical Pacific Ocean, NOAA based its outlook on factors that have a less definitive influence for much of the U.S., including long-term trends and computer models used for long-range forecasting.”

  10. Robertv says:

    More things from the past

    The snowfalls have been exceptional for this time of year, ranging between 30 and 100 centimetres in major ski resorts of the Catalan Pyrenees.

    • Jimbo says:

      The Scottish ski industry is opening earlier this year for the first time in 5 years. They were supposed to be a thing of the past. Cairgorn was doomed.

  11. tom0mason says:

    France has had some snow –
    Heavy snow causes chaos in central France

  12. Dave says:

    Edgewood, NM which is just east of Albuquerque got 10 inches of snow. The perpetual drought continues.

  13. Ben Vorlich says:

    The white drought in Oklahoma made it onto French national TV today.

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