Monthly Archives: November 2013

Reader Quiz – Will This Make It Past Moderation At Real Climate?

RealClimate: Global Warming Since 1997 Underestimated by Half

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NASA – Ridding The World Of An Inconvenient Warm Period

In 1975, the National Academy Of Sciences published the graph below of the Northern Hemisphere, showing about 0.5ºC cooling from the 1930’s to the 1960’s. But NASA has kindly reduced that cooling to less than 0.2ºC The next graph overlays … Continue reading

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Global Warming Making Winters Shorter Update

Public Information – NOAA’s National Weather Service Snow is falling earlier than during the 1970’s global cooling scare. h/t to Andy DC

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Comparing Apples With Oranges

Comparisons of satellite cyclone measurements vs. historical records is a nonsensical exercise. Satellites have a very high sampling rate and coverage, and will always find the peak wind speeds and minimum pressures. But older hurricanes have either very sparse data, … Continue reading

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1969 Shock News : US Life Expectancy To Drop To 42 Years By 1980

The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming and Environmentalism – Christopher C. Horner – Google Books

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Shock News : 1898 Philippines Typhoon Killed Three Times As Many People

12 Jan 1898 – TYPHOON AND TIDAL WAVE IN THE PHILLIPINES. 7000 … CO2 was below 300 PPM at the time.

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Obama To Save The Planet From Imaginary Global Warming

[youtube=] A brilliant plan to tackle a non-existent problem by simply killing off the economy. Temperatures have been flat since 1997. Wood for Trees: Interactive Graphs

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We Have Come A Long Way Since Thomas Jefferson

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US Forest Fires Down 77% Since 1938

There were 42,538 wild fires in the US this year – the lowest total since 1984. National Interagency Fire Center National Interagency Fire Center In 1938, there were 185,000 wild fires in the US The number of fires is … Continue reading

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Canada Joins Australia As The Only Two Western Nations Demonstrating Sanity In Government

OTTAWA, ONTARIO — (Marketwired) — 11/12/13 — Today, Paul Calandra, Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister, issued the following statement on behalf of the Government of Canada on Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s introduction of legislation to repeal the carbon … Continue reading

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