Monthly Archives: November 2013

Mind Boggling Incompetence Or Fraud At NOAA

NOAA shows that summer 2012 had the second hottest afternoons in US history, just behind 1936. U.S. Climate Extremes Index (CEI) | Extremes | National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) This is complete nonsense. The graph below plots the average summer … Continue reading

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A History Of Birthers

Birthers are defined as believers in a “crackpot conspiracy theory claiming that Obama was born in Kenya.“ The first well documented birthers are from 1991, when Obama’s literary agents promoted him as being born in Kenya. 1991 Born in Kenya … Continue reading

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Denver Communist Party Thwarts The Public Will Again

Last year, east coast politburo thugs Barack Obama and Michael Bloomberg bribed Colorado Demokratic party leaders into selling out their constituents in exchange for campaign cash. This led to two successful recall elections, and a third in progress which would have swung power back to the Republican Party … Continue reading

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Crackhead At 49% – Messiah At 39%

Obama is polling at 39% approval, while Toronto’s crack smoking mayor is at 49%.

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Global Warming Hits Mexico

It is too cold to go in the pool here on the Yucatan Peninsula, thanks to a climate disrupted by missing Arctic ice and a loopy jet stream, combined with missing ocean heat and a shortage of Margarita ice for … Continue reading

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If You Like Your Second Amendment, You Can Keep Your Second Amendment

Last year, the totalitarian regime in Washington D.C. was telling us that gun registration does not lead to confiscation. Sherrie Questioning All: The gun grabbers always say “Registration does not lead to Confiscation.” Hmm… Seems New York is proving that WRONG – … Continue reading

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15th Century Climate Engineering

Throughout history, governments have taken approximately the same approach to controlling the climate – with sacrifice being the key component. Aztec Sacrifice

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Arctic Sea Ice Extent Same As 40 Years Ago

NSIDC cleverly starts their graphs in 1978, the year of peak Arctic ice. This creates the impression that there is a linear downwards trend. Index of /DATASETS/NOAA/G02135/north/daily/data/ What NSIDC is hiding is that there were satellite measurements much earlier than … Continue reading

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Global Sea Ice Area Highest In 25 Years, 6th Highest On Record

It has been 25 years since Hansen predicted the demise of polar sea ice. Gaia has celebrated the date by producing the most polar sea ice in the last 25 years. Look for the world’s top climate experts to … Continue reading

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How We Know That Climate Change Is Real And Dangerous

Jeff Masters said that a typhoon was the biggest ever Jeff Masters said last year that a hurricane was the biggest ever John Cook says that 97% of scientists believe climate change will kill us all Time to end the denial. A … Continue reading

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