We Are The “Independent Press”



It is wrong to mutilate or suppress the record of an observation of a phenomenon of nature, but it is also wrong to make a bad use of the record. In fact, it is the misuse of meteorological data, not the observing or publishing, that constitutes a crime against the community. Observation and careful research are to be encouraged as useful. Misrepresentations are to be avoided as harmful. The “Independent Press “as the” Voice of the People “should be not only “Vox Populi” but ” Vox Dei “, repressing all cheats and hoaxes, defending the truth and the best interests of the whole nation as against the self-interest of a few.

Is not honesty the best policy?


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to We Are The “Independent Press”

  1. Billy Liar says:

    Ninety-seven percent of climate scientists agree it’s often not the most lucrative policy.

  2. tom0mason says:

    If Hansen is so interested in the environment then why doesn’t he do something productive like protesting in Russia with a Greenpeace badge on.

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