Daily Archives: January 22, 2014

Why I Think The TOBS Adjustment Is BS

You get your nice new Min/Max thermometer and set it up. First afternoon the temperature is 65F when you take you measurement at 4 pm and reset your thermometer. An hour later, a cold front comes through and the next … Continue reading

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Shock News : NASA Surface Temperatures Don’t Match More Accurate Satellite Data

ftp://ftp.ssmi.com/msu/monthly_time_series/rss_monthly_msu_amsu_channel_tlt_anomalies_land_and_ocean_v03_3.txt data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/graphs_v3/Fig.A2.txt

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January 1974 Global Cooling Brought 34 Inches Of Rain To Brisbane


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Frequency Of 100 Degree Days In New York Has Been Declining Since The 1950’s

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Hansen Proves That Climate Sensitivity Is Zero

Hansen’s zero emissions scenario C assumed no emissions after the year 2000. Even bogus GISS data shows no temperature rise over the past decade, which means the climate is behaving identically to what Hansen expected in a zero emissions world. … Continue reading

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Understanding Peer Review

From: Phil Jones <[email protected]> To: “Michael E. Mann” <[email protected]> Subject: HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL Date: Thu Jul 8 16:30:16 2004 I can’t see either of these papers being in the next IPCC report. Kevin and I will keep them out somehow – even if … Continue reading

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CBS News Says That Global Warming Is Overheating The Northeastern US

NOAA: World in 2013 was 4th hottest on record – CBS News Experts tell CBS News that it has never been hot in Detroit before. http://news.google.com/newspapers

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22% Of America Voted For Barack Obama In 2012

He would be lucky to get 10% now.

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Dictator Using The EPA To Steal State Lands

OFFICE OF GOVERNOR MATT MEAD State Capitol Cheyenne, WY 82002 Ph. (307) 777-7437 January 6, 2014 Wyoming to EPA: Place Tribal Boundary Decision on Hold and  Reconsider CHEYENNE, Wyo. –  In a petition to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) filed today, … Continue reading

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1977 Global Weirding : Warm In Alaska, Snow In Florida

Lakeland Ledger – Google News Archive Search

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