Daily Archives: January 8, 2014

Global Warming Is Caused By Mann-Made Data Tampering

The image below extends the 1975 National Academy of Sciences Northern Hemisphere temperature graph, with RSS Northern Hemisphere satellite temperatures. There are warming and cooling cycles, but no warming trend. NASA and NOAA creates the imaginary trend, by massively cooling … Continue reading

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NSA And IRS Keyphrase For Today “Robert Gates”

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Boner : Obama’s Main Man On Capitol Hill

‘GUILTY KNOWLEDGE’? Letter asks if Boehner was briefed on Benghazi ops

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White House May Be Completely Incompetent About Health Care, But At Least They Are Completely Incompetent About Foreign Policy Too

In a book set for release next week by the publishing house Knopf, Gates writes that Biden is “a man of integrity,” but also a political figure who has been “wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security … Continue reading

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Family Calls Police For Help – And The Police Kill Their Son

18 year old killed in family home by police Keith Vidal’s family says they called police for help when their son was having a schizophrenic episode. But what happened on Sunday was something they never expected. The 18-year-old from Boiling … Continue reading

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2.4 Billion Hiroshima Bombs Is “Not Much” But -36 Degrees Is “Hot”

January 8, 2014 at 9:26 am

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Dealing With The World’s Stupidest People

  Twitter / SteveSGoddard: @Hohounk @GMichaelHopf … 2.4 billion Hiroshima bombs is “not much” – but 0.0001 mole fraction CO2 is catastrophic.

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Shock News : Commander In Chief Looking For Someone Else To Blame

WASHINGTON – Former Defence Secretary Robert Gates asserts in a new memoir that President Barack Obama grew frustrated with U.S. policy in Afghanistan That would actually be Barack Obama’s policy. and that Vice-President Joe Biden has been wrong on nearly … Continue reading

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Washington Post Says That -36F Is Hot

Ojmjakon, Russia averaged -36ºF in December. Washington Post says that was hot. Europe and Russia were much hotter than average. Can global warming be real if it’s cold in the U.S.? Um… yes! They also said that satellite data showed … Continue reading

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Sit On It And Vortex

Climate experts say that global warming makes it cold.  On January 7, 1912 – Illinois minimum temperatures averaged -28ºF. Must have been a lot of global warming that month.

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