Daily Archives: January 23, 2014

NASA Shock News : Arctic To Be Ice Free By 2012

This week, after reviewing his own new data, NASA climate scientist Jay Zwally said: “At this rate, the Arctic Ocean could be nearly ice-free at the end of summer by 2012, much faster than previous predictions.” Arctic Sea Ice Gone … Continue reading

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Nobel Peace Prize Winner Forecasts Ice Free Arctic This Summer

12/14/09 COPENHAGEN — New computer modeling suggests the Arctic Ocean may be nearly ice-free in the summertime as early as 2014,  Al Gore said Monday at the U.N. climate conference Gore: Polar Ice May Vanish In 5 Years

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Superbowl Excitement Reflected In Their Latest Promotional Material

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New York State Was 40 Degrees Warmer In 1906

Overheated air is causing New Yorker’s to freeze in 2014, but cold air kept temperatures much warmer in 1906 – one of Hansen’s coldest years ever.  

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Obama : The Only People Who Don’t Want To Disclose The Truth …..

Jill Abramson talks to John Seigenthaler | Al Jazeera America [youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypAU28t5Ya0]

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Same Vermin, Different Generation

The Telegraph 

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Alarmist IQ’s In Freefall

Last July, reader Grant Holt explained that the Arctic is in freefall, and that record Antarctic ice is due to excess heat. July 11, 2013 at 8:33 pm The red arrow below shows the date when Grant Holt made his … Continue reading

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How Much Data Fudging Does A Poor Climate Scientist Have To Do?

Every year, our diligent friends at GISS cool the past further and warm the present further. But no matter how much cheating they do, they just can’t get up to Hansen’s “zero emissions after the year 2000” scenario C.

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Shocking Polar Vortex From 20,000 Years Ago

20,000 years ago, Kentucky had glaciers while much of Alaska was ice free. Glacial Geology Look familiar? Weather Street: Temperature Forecast Movie Peter William Lount put this composite together

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