Daily Archives: January 29, 2014

Fires From Ruptured Natural Gas Lines Destroyed San Francisco In 1906

Just think what 3,000 psi CNG lines would do.

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Why Are People Always Complaining About SkS?

I always hear climate skeptics complaining about SkS, but I think that SKS are great. Particularly the Russian made ones.

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My Two Natural Gas Explosions

When I was a child living in Los Alamos, a house across the canyon exploded. The house was demolished and all of the houses within a quarter mile (including ours) were damaged. The neighboring houses were lifted of their foundations. … Continue reading

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Understanding Climate Feedback

Obama tells government scientists that they have to agree with him, or lose their jobs. Government scientists then agree with him. Obama then says “100% of government scientists agree with me” Kook and Nuttercelli then write a paper about the … Continue reading

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Obama Destroying Science

By declaring an official and unassailable scientific position on “climate change”-  it is now career threatening for any government scientist to produce evidence to the contrary. Undoubtedly the most disgusting anti-science event in US history. Climate change is a completely … Continue reading

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High Pressure Gas Pipeline Explosion Earlier This Week

Hours before Obama’s call for Americans to be packed into CNG explosive cars, this explosion occurred on a high pressure gas pipeline in Canada at -32C. It burned for 12 hours with flames 300 feet tall. It was one of … Continue reading

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The Obamacar

Here is one of Obama’s natural gas powered Honda Civics CNG has to be kept at more than 200 atmospheres pressure. You can think of it as a large conventional explosive located six inches underneath your children. One of the … Continue reading

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Spectacular January Data Tampering By Our Friends At NCDC

NCDC turns a strong January cooling trend (orange) into a strong January warming trend (blue) by simply altering the data. The tampering trend since 1930 is an impressive 2.9 degrees per century. Enron accountants would blush at such blatant fraud.

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If You Like Your Dark Ages, You Can Keep Your Dark Ages

In the 16th century, the Pope declared scientific truth. Now Barack Obama does it. March 9, 2009 Obama: science should trump politics The goal, the president said: “To ensure that in this new administration, we base our public policies on … Continue reading

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This Is Not A Dictatorship

In the United States, the president does not declare politically motivated scientific truth, and shut down essential industries based on his idiotic ideas which he understands nothing about. That is the kind of crap which goes on in third world … Continue reading

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