Monthly Archives: January 2014

Hayhoe, Hayhoe, It’s Off To Shovel The Driveway We Go

Weather Street:Clouds and Precipitation Forecast Movie

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January 21, 1985 – Tennessee Was -25 F

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On The Other Side Of The Jet Stream

The east coast was very cold during the winter of 1976-1977, while Colorado had its driest winter on record. Snow in Miami, none in Colorado.

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January 1977 Global Cooling Polar Vortex Produced Snow In Miami

Could it snow in Tampa, Florida this weekend? – Capital Weather Gang – The Washington Post Look familiar? Obama says that the identical pattern is now caused by global warming.

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23 Years Since The New York Times Announced The End Of Cold Winters

Cold Season Loses Its Chill, Giving a New View of Winter By MATTHEW L. WALD Published: June 30, 1991 Not only the cold war is over; so, apparently, are cold winters. The official heating season of 1990-91 ends today, and … Continue reading

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Distinguishing A Global Warming Polar Vortex From A Global Cooling Polar Vortex

This is what a Mann-made global warming polar vortex looks like in 2014 Dangerous Cold Headed Back to Midwest, Northeast And this is what a natural global cooling polar vortex looked like in January, 1977 The Lewiston Journal – Google … Continue reading

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Borenstein Still Citing Hansen’s Bogus 1988 Forecast

Twitter / SteveSGoddard: @borenbears You forgot to mention …

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GISS Head Unfamiliar With His Own Data

Twitter / SteveSGoddard: @ClimateOfGavin Your own data … Twitter / SteveSGoddard: @ClimateOfGavin In 1999, your … You can’t make up comedy like government scientists.

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1976 : World’s Top Climatologists Frustrated That Ford Didn’t Take Global Cooling Seriously

The Genesis Strategy – A chilling prospect – View Article –

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New Yorker’s Giddy With Anticipation For The Superbowl

WunderCam Directory | Weather Underground

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