Monthly Archives: January 2014

Critically Important Information From The Historical Record

Lance Armstrong was named after No Pants Lance She named the baby Lance — after Dallas Cowboys wide receiver Lance Rentzel. – For mom, ‘Raising Lance’ was a hard climb [youtube=]

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Spain Admits That Green Economy Sold To Obama Is In Ruin The story goes on to note that President Obama has cited Spain as an exemplar of an ecologically sound energy economy no fewer than eight times Emulate Spain’s Green Economy? No Thanks, Mr. President | National Review Online

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Understanding Consensus Climate Science

In 1950, the consensus was global warming 04 Mar 1950 – It’s even hotter near the pole In 1961, the unanimous consensus was global cooling. (Don’t tell Nuttercelli about this. It upsets his delicate disposition) SCIENTISTS AGREE WORLD IS COLDER … Continue reading

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January, 1858 Adelaide Heatwave Was 11 Degrees Warmer Than The 2014 Mann-Made Heatwave

In January, 1858 Adelaide had nine consecutive days over 100F, topping out at 116.3. 21 Jan 1905 – SPELLS OF EXTREME HEAT. The graph below compares that to the “record heatwave” during the last nine days in Adelaide. The 1858 … Continue reading

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Finishing The Job Of Healing The Planet

Six years ago, King Obama Canute announced that he healed the planet. Apparently that didn’t work very well, as he still feels that he has to destroy the economy in order to stop the seas from rising. Stopping the seas from … Continue reading

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The World’s Stupidest People

TAR’s conclusion that “most of the observed   warming over the last 50 years is likely to have been due to the increase in greenhouse gas  concentrations”. Information Sheet 1 redirection The climate ignored CO2 from 1940 to 1977, but … Continue reading

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I Don’t Get No Respect

After years of alarmists saying that I know nothing about climate (Reggie said I was the second stupidest person on the Internet) some climate scientist was accusing me on Twitter yesterday of being Dr. Judith Curry. (I angrily pointed out … Continue reading

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January 21, 1845 : 131 Degrees In The Shade In Central Australia


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Climate Scientists Explain Mann-Made Wobbles In The Jet Stream

[youtube=] h/t to Peter William Lount

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Shakespearean Climate Comedy

About 15 years ago, some very well known government scientists made the decision to exaggerate Mann-made global warming in order to get funding and attention. They thought it was OK to lie and tamper with data, because eventually their psychosis … Continue reading

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