Monthly Archives: January 2014

1972 : CRU Chief Said That Earth Would Definitely Cool Over The Next Two Centuries

The Windsor Star – Google News Archive Search

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All Ohio USHCN Stations Set Their All-Time Record Maximum Temperature Prior To 1954

NOAA has to massively cool Ohio’s past, because prior to 1955 it was very hot there. This simply doesn’t suit the global warming political narrative which NOAA is required to support.  

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NOAA Hiding The Decline In Ohio

Ohio temperatures peaked in 1921, and have been on  along term decline since 1895. NOAA hides this decline by massively cooling the past, and massively warming the present.

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1967 : Scientific American Reported 4 Degrees UHI In DC

UHI causes temperatures to rise as suburban sprawl spreads. NOAA and NASA have responded by making massive adjustments in the wrong direction. Science – Cities Make Their Own Weather – View Article – Sometimes when you are a government … Continue reading

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Government Experts : 25% Of US Energy To Be Solar By 2020

    RAPID GAINS SEEN FOR SOLAR ENERGY – Experts Predict Thousands of Sun-Heated Buildings – View Article –

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Experts : Arctic To Be Ice-Free By 1970

Expert Says Arctic Ocean Will Soon Be an Open Sea – Catastrophic Shifts in Climate Feared if Change Occurs Other Specialists See No Thinning of Polar Ice Cap – View Article –

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NOAA Hiding The Decline In Indiana

Indiana temperatures have been cooling since 1895. This doesn’t fit NOAA’s global warming agenda, so they simply cool the past by 1.3 degrees per century, to make the inconvenient cooling turn into warming.

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Indiana Maximum Temperatures Peaked In 1921 – Down Sharply Since 1895

Afternoon temperatures in Indiana were much warmer prior to 1960.

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1975 : Climate Experts Said That Jumbo Jets Would Cool The Planet And Produce Global Famine

Experts Fear Great Peril If SST Fumes Cool Earth – View Article –

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Ohio Maximum Temperatures Peaked In 1921, Down Since 1895

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