Monthly Archives: January 2014

In 1910, The Father Of Global Warming Explained How Humidity Changes The Color Of Martian Canals

05 May 1910 – CANALS IN MARS.

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Settled Science Update

CRUTEM4 shows no warming from 1866-1910, but in 1997 GISS land temps showed a strong warming trend during that period.

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Boss Of Iced-In Climate Scientist Says That Global Warming Will Bring Back Dinosaurs

A decline in ocean cloud cover projected in climate models points to more than 5.6°F (3°C) of global warming coming in this century, on the high end of past global warming estimates, warn climate scientists in a new study. “This … Continue reading

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1913 : Father Of Global Warming Predicted That Mann-Made Warming Would Drive People To Temperate Canada

The Pueblo Leader – Jan 28, 1913 The Pueblo Leader – Google News Archive Search Wind chills in Canada are currently -60ºF. Canada Weather Map – Current Wind Chill of Canada – Find Local Weather

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Temperatures Have Warmed One Fourth As Fast As Hansen Predicted In 1988

Red line shows five year centered mean of RSS global temperature. Temperatures are well below scenario C, which assumed zero emissions after the year 2000. As a result of Hansen’s spectacular failures, his confidence levels and temperature forecasts have greatly … Continue reading

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Mawson Found Similar Ice Conditions, But Did Not Get Stuck

Shock news. Antarctic just like it was 100 years ago. 13 Mar 1912 – BACK FROM THE ICE. RETURN OF THE AURORA. NEWS OF… h/t to Ivan

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1997 Version Of GISS Land Temperatures Showed Most Global Warming Occurred Before 1940 Those 1930’s V-12’s were tough on the climate.

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1902 Climate Change Consensus Was Just A Bunch Of BS


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2012 Election Demographics Provide Insight Into Why 60% Of Adults Didn’t Used To Be Allowed To Vote

Just kidding. Really. Just kidding. Not.

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Economist Says Antarctic Ice Is Being Compressed, Causing It To Expand

The researchers, journalists and others currently trapped on the Shokalskiy face a different environment from the one encountered by Mawson. In 2013,  for the second year in a row, Antarctic sea ice grew to a record extent: the continent’s ice reached more … Continue reading

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