Monthly Archives: February 2014

Climate Experts Say That Cities Around The Great Lakes Will Turn In Garden Spots With Almost No Snow

The News-Journal – Google News Archive Search President Barack Obama says that anyone who doesn’t believe this, is not up to his high intellectual standards.

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New York Times Says The Great Lakes Are Overheating From Mann-Made Global Warming

Lake Superior, a Huge Natural Climate Change Gauge, Is Running a Fever –

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Great Lakes Ice Cover At Record High, More Than 2X Normal

Great Lakes ice coverage is a record high for the date at 75%, and is more than 2X normal.

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Michigan And Wisconsin Having Their Coldest Winters On Record

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Tracing Hansen’s Insanity

Gavin’s FakeClimate website bragged last year about a 1981 Hansen forecast which was below GISS. RealClimate: Evaluating a 1981 temperature projection I overlaid his 1988 forecast (red) on top of the 1981 forecast, to show how he lost his mind … Continue reading

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February 1977 : Experts Hoped The Cold US Winter Would Convince Government To Take Action Against Global Cooling

In February 1977, experts hoped that the cold winter in the US would convince government to take action against global cooling The winter of 1977 was very similar to this winter. Snow in Florida and warm in Alaska Same polar … Continue reading

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Kook and Nuttercelli Forgot To Read This Paper

In 1971, NASA and NCAR’s top climatologists said that CO2 effects are diminishing, and predicted an ice age. Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Aerosols: Effects of Large Increases on Global Climate

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Obama Forgot To Make A Speech About This Crime

Convicted felon, 20, charged with shooting dead good samaritan Army vet, 69, with his own gun after begging for help at his doorstep | Mail Online

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Obama Unveils His New Dental Plan

Twitter / FishWithDan: New government dental plan …

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Before Little Mikey Corrupted The Science

From the first IPCC report There is growing evidence that worldwide temperatures were higher than at present during the mid-Holocene (especially 5 000-6 000 BP), at least in summer, though carbon dioxide levels appear to have been quite similar to … Continue reading

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