Monthly Archives: February 2014

March 1936 Flood Covered Most Of The Eastern US

February, 1936 was a very similar month to this month – heavy snow and extreme cold. Once the snow started melting, most of the Eastern US flooded. The following summer was the hottest in US history. Flood Situation by States … Continue reading

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New York Times Proposes Murdering Climate Skeptics

See Something Say Something – Slide Show –

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Joe Obama Stalin Targeting Dissidents – Turning US Into The Former USSR

Dinesh D’Souza Speculates on ‘Retribution’: ‘Vindictive’ Obama Sees Critics as Enemies | Mediaite

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Trading Places

In 1978, scientists saw warming in the Antarctic and cooling in the Arctic, and wanted to blame it on global warming.<0755%3AGTVSMA>2.0.CO%3B2 The 1990 IPCC report showed that Antarctic was decreasing while Arctic ice was increasing during that period. Now … Continue reading

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Overwhelming Evidence Of Data Tampering At NASA

In 1961, there was 100% consensus that the Earth was cooling SCIENTISTS AGREE WORLD IS COLDER – But Climate Experts Meeting Here Fail to Agree on Reasons for Change – View Article – In 1978, NOAA published this graph … Continue reading

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Motherlode Part V

In 1978, NOAA showed about 0.6C global cooling from the mid-1950’s to 1970<0755%3AGTVSMA>2.0.CO%3B2 GISS has since deleted almost all of that cooling. Fig.A.gif (656×446) The next graph overlays the 1978 NOAA in red, on top of GISS in blue. … Continue reading

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Unarmed Civilians Being Murdered By Their Own Government

Progressives hope to do the same to Americans [youtube=] h/t to Dave G

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The Plot Thickens

In 1978, NOAA showed that both hemispheres cooled sharply from the 1950’s through 1970<0755%3AGTVSMA>2.0.CO%3B2 They have since erased this cooling in both hemispheres.  They had to get rid of it, because it agreed with Briffa’s trees – making it … Continue reading

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Another Piece Of The Global Cooling History Destruction Puzzle

In 1978, NOAA published this graph showing nearly a full degree cooling in the southern latitudes between 1955 and 1970.<0755%3AGTVSMA>2.0.CO%3B2 GISS has erased 90% of this cooling.  Fig.B.gif (407×678) The next graph overlays the 1978 NOAA data in blue … Continue reading

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Tampering Competition

Not wanting to be outdone by NASA and NOAA, the rest of the hockey team erased the MWP and the LIA, between the 1990 IPCC report (blue) and the 2001 IPCC report. It appears that the year 2000 was a … Continue reading

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