Daily Archives: May 4, 2014

1947 : Ten Degrees Arctic Warming Since 1900 – Catastrophic Sea Level Rise


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1921 : Top Astronomer Said Ice Ages Were Caused By The Sun Passing Through Orion

TimesMachine: November 20, 1921 – NYTimes.com

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As Early As 1893, Australia Was Suffering From Sudden And Violent Climate Change

TimesMachine: May 21, 1893 – NYTimes.com

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1934 : “No Doubt” Poles Will Melt, Raising Sea Level 151 Feet

TimesMachine: January 28, 1934 – NYTimes.com

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Arctic To Be Ice-Free By 1970, Producing Catastrophic Climate Change

   TimesMachine: February 20, 1969 – NYTimes.com

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1958 Consensus : Ice-Free Arctic To Cause A New Ice Age

TimesMachine: October 19, 1958 – NYTimes.com

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1921 – Earth Had A Fever

Middlesboro Daily News – Google News Archive Search 1921 was the hottest year on record in Illinois.

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1979 Shock News : North Pole To Melt – Causing Catastrophic Climate Change

TimesMachine: February 14, 1979 – NYTimes.com It doesn’t seem to have melted yet, but will be keeping a close eye on it. EOSDIS Worldview (Alpha)

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1871 : Galveston Received Four Inches Of Rain In Fifteen Minutes

http://www.wunderground.com/blog/weatherhistorian/what-is-the-most-rain-to-ever-fall-in-one-minute-or-one-hour …

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Michigan Beaches Filling Up Early This Weekend

CableAmerica: Lake Superior

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