Daily Archives: May 7, 2014

Shock And Awe

I have been overwhelmed by the generosity of readers over the last 24 hours. My son explained it to me : People who read your blog are really smart, and smart people often have lots of money. I’m planning to send … Continue reading

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World’s Top Alarmist Says The Exact Opposite Of The White House

The White House says droughts are getting worse in the US. They have no idea what they are talking about. Whither U.S. Climate? By James Hansen Empirical evidence does not lend much support to the notion that climate is headed … Continue reading

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Guardian Reader Sums Up The Mendacity Of The Guardian

Something about global warming makes liberals lose control of their faculties. What most amazes me is that properly skeptical Guardian readers rightly distrust almost everything government leaders say, yet on this one issue most seem to accept that fine measurements … Continue reading

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Would The President Lie To You About Climate?


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Arizona Summers Getting Cooler

The number of 100 degree days in Arizona is down about 50% since the 1950’s I attended Arizona State University during the 1970’s, and in the summer of 1974 we had the worst heatwave in Arizona history.

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