President Obama Says That Americans Are Experiencing Unprecedented Heat

WaterTDeptUS (22)

WaterTDeptUS.png (688×531)

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to President Obama Says That Americans Are Experiencing Unprecedented Heat

  1. Truthseeker says:


    Green is the new red! Get with the program, comrade!

  2. jdseanjd says:

    & War is Peace.
    Obarmy is so full of it.

    There are legal ways to stop paying tax & get the slime in court. 44 mins & well worthwhile.
    OR: Paying Tax a Crime? Chris Coverdale Interviewed by Tony Farrell….

    I’ve posted this to my FaceBook page, & I’ll be posting onto other sites where I reckon I’ll get an intelligent readership. This deserves to go viral. I’ll post also to my blog.

    We live in interesting, Orwellian, times.

  3. ralphcramdo says:

    Obama is trying hard to curb the countries anger away from Obamacare and onto a new crisis.

  4. Shazaam says:

    And, all but the dimmest of folks (and government employees) seem to have figured-out that when the laughingstock-in-chief’s lips are moving, what emerges has little resemblance to any truth.

    If you like your global warming, you can keep your global warming.

  5. By “Americans” the president means illegal immigrants in California: his base constituency.

  6. Bob Knows says:

    “If you like your global warming, you can keep your global warming. Period!” Paraphrasing a well known government LIAR!

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