1921 – Earth Had A Fever

ScreenHunter_142 May. 04 07.40

Middlesboro Daily News – Google News Archive Search

1921 was the hottest year on record in Illinois.

ScreenHunter_166 May. 04 14.14

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to 1921 – Earth Had A Fever

  1. Billy Liar says:

    2012 – earth had a lesser fever.

  2. Neil Dunn says:

    1921 looks to have a peak of 56.5 C. so degrees F = 9(56.5)/5 + 32 = (9 x 11.3) + 32 = 101.7 + 32 = 133.7 F. which almost equals the Death Valley high of 134. Is this true or am I wrong.

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