1921 : Top Astronomer Said Ice Ages Were Caused By The Sun Passing Through Orion

ScreenHunter_155 May. 04 09.03

ScreenHunter_156 May. 04 09.05

TimesMachine: November 20, 1921 – NYTimes.com

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to 1921 : Top Astronomer Said Ice Ages Were Caused By The Sun Passing Through Orion

  1. jimash1 says:

    Well that was long time ago, and I don’t know if the solar system has ever been in the orion nebula but…:

    “Before the current solar maximum, the grains were deflected out of the vicinity of the sun. Now with a global solar magnetic field weakened during maximum conditions, we see more grains,” said Landgraf.

    This weaker configuration of the magnetic field is allowing two to three times more stardust to enter the solar system than at the end of the 1990s. This influx of stardust could continue to increase as the field further weakens until the end of the current solar cycle in 2012.

    Independent of the variations in the solar magnetic field, astronomers expect the influx of interstellar dust to increase sometime in the next 10,000 years when the solar system drifts into a galactic cloud known as the G-cloud.”


  2. Brian H says:

    The universe is trying to get rid of us!

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