1976 Shock News : No Climate Disaster Pending

No warming in the mid-Atlantic states since 1800, and no climate disaster pending.

ScreenHunter_162 May. 26 19.42

TimesMachine: February 22, 1976 – NYTimes.com

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to 1976 Shock News : No Climate Disaster Pending

  1. Andy Oz says:

    Landsberg was a denialist. Obviously a 3 percenter.

  2. Brian H says:

    Let me guess. They were unable to raise research funds thereafter.

  3. Mary Brown says:

    “Landsberg was a denialist. Obviously a 3 percenter.”

    Old Helmut was a Penn Stater in a time before climate was politicized. Back then, folks generally looked at the data and tried to draw some reasonable conclusions.

    These days, conclusions are made and then data is manufactured or tortured to match it.

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