Daily Archives: May 24, 2014

Memorial Day Wasn’t Always Cold

Eighty years ago before the atmosphere overheated, Wisconsin was 109 degrees on Memorial Day weekend. Temperatures almost never get to 100 degrees in Wisconsin anymore, even in July.

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Progressives Say That Sunlight Reaching Solar Panels Buried in Snow, Will Melt The Snow Above It

You really can’t make up stupid like these people [youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlTA3rnpgzU&feature=youtu.be]

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President Obama Says That A Cold Winter In Chicago Was Caused By Climate Change

“I know it’s hard to talk about global warming here in Chicago after this winter,” he said. “But everybody here understands that it’s changing weather patterns that are at stake here, with potentially devastating, catastrophic consequences.” Obama Admits: ‘Hard to … Continue reading

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The History Of The Big Lie

There isn’t one shred of truth to the global warming/climate change story. The big lie has always been used by government ahead of plans to kill lots and lots of people. Those running the global government believe that Earth is overpopulated by … Continue reading

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