40 Years Ago : Scientists Said The Cooling Trend Was causing Erratic Weather And Starvation

NASA has recently erased the post-1940 cooling trend, but prominent scientists who studied it at the time said that it was causing erratic weather, crop failures and mass starvation.

ScreenHunter_183 May. 27 22.31

ScreenHunter_185 May. 27 22.32 ScreenHunter_186 May. 27 22.32

Ultimately, Weather Will Decide the Food Supply – Early Rain and Early Frost Are the 1974 Culprits in the U.S. The Drought-Cluster Theory – View Article – NYTimes.com

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to 40 Years Ago : Scientists Said The Cooling Trend Was causing Erratic Weather And Starvation

  1. Andy Oz says:

    Australian Taxpayers had to pay for the rescue of Chris Turkey and his alarmist idiot friends. If they don’t send him the bill, then he should have his visa revoked and be deported back to England.


  2. Andy Oz says:

    Meanwhile Pacific Islanders have found an excuse to sponge money off Australia, by blaming us for a mythical problem. They should ask for 97% of CO2 from the northern Hemisphere since only about 3% comes for the souther hemisphere.

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