A Repeat Of Seventy Five Years Ago

On Tuesday’s All In, host Chris Hayes and his guests tackled a chilling and politically loaded subject: which beliefs should disqualify someone from holding public office. Among other things, the group decided that global warming “denialism,”…  should put a politician outside the mainstream and ruin their chances of holding public office.

we’re all threatened by this. I mean, the planet is in danger. Something needs to be done

MSNBC’s Hayes: Some Conservative Beliefs Should Disqualify People From Public Office | NewsBusters

Seventy five years ago, Nazis banned Jews from holding public office – for the same reasons.

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The White House global warming strategy is very clear, and it has nothing to do with science or the climate.

Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.

– Voltaire

Winston Churchill is reported to have said: “Those that fail to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it.” One of the most widely accepted lessons from history is to failure of appeasement in stopping Adolph Hitler

“Those that fail to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it.”

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to A Repeat Of Seventy Five Years Ago

  1. daveburton says:

    You have a good eye for spotting historical parallels, Steve.

  2. So they favor a religious test after all.

  3. Justa Joe says:

    I was shocked and appalled that people were out there proposing such draconian measures against pepole holding what is arguably a +50% viewpoint in the USA until I saw that Chris Hayes is that little effeminate trendie from MSNBC.

  4. Andy Oz says:

    Sociopaths are always promoting conflict and intolerance as it engenders division. Divide and conquer. That’s their m.o. Continually calling them on their sociopathic hypocritical behaviour is the best way to shine the light on them. They are like cockroaches. They hate the light being shone on their behaviour.

  5. Andy DC says:

    Also a repeat of the witch burning mentality of the 1600’s.

  6. Phil Jones says:

    Yep… Today’s Progressives are just like the German Nazi’s…. If you disagree plan to get fired … Like that Dropbox CEO… or boycotts… See Chic-Fil-A… Or barred from Public Speaking .. Ask Condolezza Rice…

    Chris Hayes should be ashamed… HE needs to be shouted down… Little ignorant twerp…

  7. Gail Combs says:

    Progressive DEMAND we tolerate all their view points for example homosexual marriage, no prayer in school while insisting businesses having to provide foot basins in restrooms so Muslims can wash their feet…. Yet they also DEMAND we are not allowed freedom of thought.

    Darn Hypocrites.

  8. Shazaam says:

    Actually, this is more like Law Enforcement agencies refusing to hire any individuals who score above average on intelligence tests.

    If a politician is smart enough to question the climate change dogma, he/she is far too smart to be easily swayed and influenced by lobbyists, pollsters or media campaigns.

    Thus, it’s an excuse to purge the ranks of the politicians of any who might possibly, someday use their brains for more than a hat rack.

    Might even explain the laughingstock-in-chief and his merry band of czars.

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