A Visit To The Borg

One of the great things about living in Maryland is that I was able to go into DC for lunch and sit in on the House Science Committee hearing today about the IPCC process. Representing the Borg was Michael “we will lose an average of 83 ft. of beach by 2018” Oppenheimer, and the entire Democratic contingent of Congressmen.

The highlight of the hearing was Dr. Daniel Botkin, who said that all thirty of Obama’s climate assessment claims were not supported by the papers they were supposed to be based on.

The lowlights were Oppenheimer trashing anyone who didn’t support his religion, and the Democrats who looked like rabbits in Tharn, and refused to speak to anyone on the panel besides Oppenheimer.

The Hour – Jun 13, 1988



About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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24 Responses to A Visit To The Borg

  1. omanuel says:

    Thanks, Steven, for sharing the information on today’s hearing.

    Official responses to the Climategate emails and documents suggest that leaders of the scientific community are bluntly dishonest and Standard Models* are simply code words for right, sacred, official, favored, unalterable, catholic , etc.

    *Standard Models of nuclei, planets, their climates , stars, galaxies, the cosmos, etc.

  2. Colorado Wellington says:

    Steve, did you have to attach the headgear?

  3. Brian G Valentine says:

    Did anyone ask Oppenheimer of he thought tin foil hats might be a defense against AGW?
    Did anyone ask him how much money he took for “consulting” for groups like 350 (or maybe the DNC)?

  4. Ernest Bush says:

    I’m putting in a shameless plug for the 9th Annual Conference on Climate Change sponsored by the Heartland Institute on July 7, 8, and 9. It’s at the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas. Cost is only $129, which includes some meals, and rooms are available for $80 a night through the conference web site.

    Steve and Anthony Watts are both on a panel and the main speakers are an international who’s who list of skeptics.

  5. Dave N says:

    83ft? I wonder if he realises there’s not enough ice/water on Earth that can reach the oceans to result in such a rise.

    He belongs on this ship:


    • Curt says:

      His claim is that a 10 inch sea level rise will move beaches 83 ft (1000 in) inland. He is implying that typical beaches have a 1% grade. I can’t think of many that do, can you?

  6. Bob Knows says:

    So I don’t keep up with all the liars in DC. Did the Committee hear from rational scientists or just from the borg?

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