Berlin Wall Came Down Under Reagan, And Going Back Up Under Obama

Moscow revives Red Square May Day parade

MOSCOW – Tens of thousands of Russians marched through Red Square on Thursday as part of May Day celebrations in the first such display of Soviet-era-like ceremony since 1991 – the year the Communist Soviet Union dissolved.

Moscow revives Red Square May Day parade | Detroit Free Press |

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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17 Responses to Berlin Wall Came Down Under Reagan, And Going Back Up Under Obama

  1. omanuel says:

    If the fall of the Berlin Wall was a staged affair with a movie actor playing the role of US President, will the rebuilding of the wall be another staged affair to convince the public Putin and Obama are not puppets of the same Puppetmaster?

  2. -=NikFromNYC=- says:

    You WIN the whole Internet award for successful preaching to the choir, pedophile incestuous sodomists included, Steve. Congradu-fucking-lations, proud inglorious footnote of skepticism.

    You are Heavy Atom Man, Steve.

    • James the Elder says:

      Yup; definitely off the meds.

      • _Jim says:

        Unglued; as in his Jekyll has become dissociated and de-coupled from his Hyde …

        Or, alternatively, the Id and Super-ego are overriding (or are outside the restrictions and constraints of) and operating outside the realm of the normally practical ego …

        (If I understand Freud’s concepts correctly.)

  3. northernont says:

    May Day in Russia same as Labor Day in western democracies including US and Canada. In the latter they are national paid holidays celebrated for the same reasons as the celebration currently going on in Russia acknowledging the achievements of workers in the labor force.

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