BY 1936, Your SUV Had Already Turned The Earth Into A Desert

Gas guzzling Roman chariots ruined the climate of North Africa.

Northern Africa grew more wheat in Roman times than even Egypt did. It was the granary of the Roman Empire. Now it is little more than desert.

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23 Sep 1936 – IS THE EARTH DRYING UP? World’s Deserts On The E…

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to BY 1936, Your SUV Had Already Turned The Earth Into A Desert

  1. _Jim says:

    Must be lacking of coffee yet this morning; I read the opening line as:

    . . “Scientists have been drinking … ”

    which, they may very well have been …

    • gator69 says:

      I lost interest in desertification after researching and writing a paper, that based upon the best ‘science’ of the day, turned alarmist. But this was right after the ice age scare, and just before the great global warming swindle.

      • _Jim says:

        “… right after the ice age scare, and just before the great global warming swindle.

        One wonders, what is next in this ‘series’?



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