Can We Save The San Francisco Airport?

Anthony Watts reported yesterday that Jerry Brown is worried about LAX drowning, as it is only 125 feet above sea level. But what about SFO, which is only 10 feet or so above the Bay? At current rates of sea level rise, SFO will be underwater in only infinity years.

ScreenHunter_23 May. 15 06.43

Data and Station Information for ALAMEDA (NAVAL AIR STATION)

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Can We Save The San Francisco Airport?

  1. Scott Scarborough says:

    That’s horrible. Just think of all the infrastructure that will be built and then damaged by sea level rise in that length of time!

  2. george handel says:

    You have inadvertently posted the detrended data. There are other plots available with the trend displayed (0.82 mm/year).

  3. bobmaginnis says:

    Alameda is on the East side of the bay. For the West side, where SFO is, try this graph showing 2 mm per year, not a problem yet:,%20CA

  4. Get the pontoon planes out of the hanger, said the SFO air traffic controllers

  5. Gamecock says:

    This is simple. Build the new SFO in Fresno, at the north end of the high speed rail. That way, all the international passengers going to Bakersfield can easily get from the airport to the train. The train to no where.

    “But it gets there fast!”

  6. Phil Jones says:

    It’s 4:20… Do you know where Michael Mann is??

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