Colorado Permanent Drought Update

The Poudre River in Colorado is at an all-time record high streamflow for the date

ScreenHunter_14 May. 29 15.33 ScreenHunter_13 May. 29 15.33

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Colorado Permanent Drought Update

  1. Truthseeker says:

    An inconvenient truth …

  2. Colorado Wellington says:

    Every depression up the divide in Red Feather Lakes was full to the brim at Memorial Day. Wet and cold; with the melt runoff still going strong, on top of 20″ rain a few weeks ago, I was told.

    There was a street flooding in north Boulder after a downpour and hail.

  3. Pathway says:

    Colorado River is running bank full and is 1.5′ from overflow. Peak flow usually occurs June 6th.

  4. Colorado Wellington says:

    NOAA predicting heavy rain, hail and possibly flooding in the Colorado foothills today and tomorrow.

    AC saboteurs and other roaming Borg excepted, no immediate danger for Maryland Steve.

  5. Colorado Wellington says:

    I saw it but I’d be on a lookout for AC technicians anyway. It’s not a bunch of 1972 amateurs. Professionals plan ahead.

  6. Colorado Wellington says:

    The downpour just started.

  7. Colorado Wellington says:

    … and some neighborhoods flooded right on cue.

    The most permanent part of Colorado’s permanent drought are permanent settlements in Front Range drainages. Colonel Collins and his men would wonder why nobody learned from their mistakes.

    • Gail Combs says:

      My Geology professor said “Anyone who builds their home IN a river deserves to get flooded and the 100 yr flood plain IS the river.”

      • Colorado Wellington says:

        I find the long view of geologists wiser than the apocryphal quotes of Communist Chinese premiers.

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