Disturbing News About The Polar Meltdown

It is possible that Antarctic sea ice area may have moved permanently above “normal.” When Hansen predicted peak sea ice loss around Antarctica, this is exactly what he meant.

iphone.anomaly.antarctic (4)

iphone.anomaly.antarctic.png (512×412)

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Disturbing News About The Polar Meltdown

  1. David says:

    If you look at the 30 year graph on WUWT, the Arctic sea ice started down right when the Antarctic started up. My bet is the Antarctic is peaking and the Arctic has troughed. Though with a Grand Solar Minimum starting they may both go up for years.

  2. Andy Oz says:

    Penguins will need to move to Tasmania!

  3. Brian G Valentine says:

    Well, pinkos had videos of ice flaking off into the West Antarctic ocean because of too much ice weight.

    Then they had evidence retracted about polar bears drowning (the investigator cut off from Government grants because of thievery)

    What do they have now? They have nothing. Nothing at all, except name calling. That is all they have left in this world.

  4. Andy says:

    It certainly is very high at the moment, I wonder if we will have the highest maximum anomaly and also the highest maxima?


  5. igsy says:

    If it’s away from “normal”, then it’s an extreme. Which means ……. more climate change! Drinks all round.

  6. Gary H says:

    What’s the odds that the two regions, Arctic and Antarctic, simply are in alternating cycles. Looks like the Arctic might be leaning back to a cooling and expanding cycle again. Will Antarctica reverse course at about the same time?

    • Dmh says:

      Seesaw phenomenon.
      I believe solar forcing could play a role on the speed of the oscillation, in the present situation retarding the warming of Antarctica and accelerating the cooling of the Arctic.

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